Friday, December 25, 2009
We are home
Last night we got home. Now I can update the blog with lots of pictures and updates. I am sorry I was unable to get on blogger or facebook while in China. My sister was doing the updates while I was there but I have several more to do. So something this week I will do that. I will update with pictures some time today or tomorrow.
Monday, December 21, 2009
What I have learned in 9 days.
I know I have only been a mom for 9 days now, but I wanted to share with you all what I have learned in this short period of time.
1) Do not give a child 7up right before bedtime.
2) Don't let a one year old play on the bed with no diaper ( Had to have new sheets put on)
3) Mommies don't really have time to eat because when the baby is full its play time.
4) Mommy food does not stay hot till baby is done eating.
5) M and M's after 8pm is not a good idea.
6) Too much sugar at one time can make a child hyper.
7) When the baby is fussy at a restaurant and people are giving you dirty looks it is time to go even though your not done eating.
8) What a nose sucker is and how to use it.
9) The only music you sing is the ABC song, or Farmer in the Dell.
10) You sleep when baby sleeps
11) You wake up when baby wakes up.
12) There is always dried food or snot somewhere on your clothes.
13) You wake up in the morning and you know that your son was sleeping on your pillow because you find a dried booger on it.
14) To pick up the toys before you go to bed , because when you go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and you trip on a toy it hurts.
15) If that toy is sound activiated it wakes up the baby and he thinks it is play time at 3am.
16) When a one year makes a strange face and you discuss who's turn it is to change the diaper.
17) At 2am and the baby is crying for no reason the best thing to do is leave him with daddy and have a smoke on a different floor.
18) When your baby gets 6 shots from the Dr. and is crying you cry with him.
19) While watching TV with your son in china and they are speaking chinese and it is a cartoon that you can really understand what is going on even though you don't know what they are saying.
20) He drinks out of your cup and leaves food behind.
After all that and I still love him more than ever, thats mommys boy!!!!!!
1) Do not give a child 7up right before bedtime.
2) Don't let a one year old play on the bed with no diaper ( Had to have new sheets put on)
3) Mommies don't really have time to eat because when the baby is full its play time.
4) Mommy food does not stay hot till baby is done eating.
5) M and M's after 8pm is not a good idea.
6) Too much sugar at one time can make a child hyper.
7) When the baby is fussy at a restaurant and people are giving you dirty looks it is time to go even though your not done eating.
8) What a nose sucker is and how to use it.
9) The only music you sing is the ABC song, or Farmer in the Dell.
10) You sleep when baby sleeps
11) You wake up when baby wakes up.
12) There is always dried food or snot somewhere on your clothes.
13) You wake up in the morning and you know that your son was sleeping on your pillow because you find a dried booger on it.
14) To pick up the toys before you go to bed , because when you go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and you trip on a toy it hurts.
15) If that toy is sound activiated it wakes up the baby and he thinks it is play time at 3am.
16) When a one year makes a strange face and you discuss who's turn it is to change the diaper.
17) At 2am and the baby is crying for no reason the best thing to do is leave him with daddy and have a smoke on a different floor.
18) When your baby gets 6 shots from the Dr. and is crying you cry with him.
19) While watching TV with your son in china and they are speaking chinese and it is a cartoon that you can really understand what is going on even though you don't know what they are saying.
20) He drinks out of your cup and leaves food behind.
After all that and I still love him more than ever, thats mommys boy!!!!!!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Dec 11th 2009 China
Didn’t sleep very much last night. Got into the hotel and I had to figure out how to turn the lights on. You put your hotel key into this slot by the door and it turns the lights on.The toliet was different too. You don't have a handle but a push botton on the top. The air in Beijing was so bad. It was foggy and the fog didn't help the pollution. But once the fog lifted the smell was much better.
Went to bed around 12:30 am but I slept for a hour and was up for a hour. Then at 6am there was someone out side that was yelling till 6:15am. Why I don’t know.
From there we met the other couple Dave and Debbie and Debbie's sister Lynn. They got a referral of a boy too but in the special needs program. After breakfast we met with Sim, our tour guide and the 5 of us loaded into this huge tour bus.
Our first stop was the Forbidden City. Which is where Chinese Emperiors in history lived. Then we went to a pearl factory. Summer Palace was next. That was ok and then we went back to the hotel. Don and I decieted to explore on our own so we went to a grocery store for soda, and shopped in a couple of the small clothing shops on the way back to the hotel. We were in walking distance when we went off on our own.The grocery store was different. Soda at the hotel was 33 yen and in the supermarket is was 2.25 yen. On the way looking for the soda I noticed that the meat for sale is not packaged like it is in the US. The meat was cut up and tossed into bends when you pick out the meat and bag it. The supermarket had what I think was fruit that I had never seen before…..And of course all the food on the shelves were in Chinese. The only way I knew I was buying Coca Cola was the bottle was about the same shape and it said Coca cola. Hahaha The shopping in the clothing shops was kinds funny because I was not and still am not familiar with how they do theirbv sizing that and the fact that the lady did not know any English and the only word I know was Thank you. I was able to buy a jacket for my Neice and I hope it fits. Got back to the hotel and we ordered fired rice from the little restaurant in the hotel and then went to bed.
Oh while touring today I was interduced to Chinese street venders.You tell them no and they stay by your side and walk with you trying to make a deal along the way. Funny story> This lady walked up to me and asked me if I wanted to buy a Jucci purse ( of course I knew it was fake ) But that was one of the things that someone wanted me to pick up in china. So she started out a 200 yen and I got her down to 120 yen which is about 20 dollars. Then she came up to us and asked to have a different 100 yen bills because the one we gave her was ripped. So Don gave her a new one. On the bus Sim, our tour guide told us to watch for the street vendors switching money. So we looked and the 100 yen that we got back and had to exchange was not Chinese money but was actually Taiwain Money which looks very close to Chinese but worth about 25% of Chinese money.Lessoned learned. Now we know what to look for and what to watch out for.
Oh my when I went to the forbidden city I had to go to the bathroom and I opened the stall and I was in shock. They didn’t have a normal toilet like in the US. They had like a flat toilet that was on the floor that you squat and do your thing. For anyone that is adopting. When You are out touring make sure you have toilet paper. Most tour places don’t have any.But every restaurant that I have been to so far has had some.
Went to bed around 12:30 am but I slept for a hour and was up for a hour. Then at 6am there was someone out side that was yelling till 6:15am. Why I don’t know.
From there we met the other couple Dave and Debbie and Debbie's sister Lynn. They got a referral of a boy too but in the special needs program. After breakfast we met with Sim, our tour guide and the 5 of us loaded into this huge tour bus.
Our first stop was the Forbidden City. Which is where Chinese Emperiors in history lived. Then we went to a pearl factory. Summer Palace was next. That was ok and then we went back to the hotel. Don and I decieted to explore on our own so we went to a grocery store for soda, and shopped in a couple of the small clothing shops on the way back to the hotel. We were in walking distance when we went off on our own.The grocery store was different. Soda at the hotel was 33 yen and in the supermarket is was 2.25 yen. On the way looking for the soda I noticed that the meat for sale is not packaged like it is in the US. The meat was cut up and tossed into bends when you pick out the meat and bag it. The supermarket had what I think was fruit that I had never seen before…..And of course all the food on the shelves were in Chinese. The only way I knew I was buying Coca Cola was the bottle was about the same shape and it said Coca cola. Hahaha The shopping in the clothing shops was kinds funny because I was not and still am not familiar with how they do theirbv sizing that and the fact that the lady did not know any English and the only word I know was Thank you. I was able to buy a jacket for my Neice and I hope it fits. Got back to the hotel and we ordered fired rice from the little restaurant in the hotel and then went to bed.
Oh while touring today I was interduced to Chinese street venders.You tell them no and they stay by your side and walk with you trying to make a deal along the way. Funny story> This lady walked up to me and asked me if I wanted to buy a Jucci purse ( of course I knew it was fake ) But that was one of the things that someone wanted me to pick up in china. So she started out a 200 yen and I got her down to 120 yen which is about 20 dollars. Then she came up to us and asked to have a different 100 yen bills because the one we gave her was ripped. So Don gave her a new one. On the bus Sim, our tour guide told us to watch for the street vendors switching money. So we looked and the 100 yen that we got back and had to exchange was not Chinese money but was actually Taiwain Money which looks very close to Chinese but worth about 25% of Chinese money.Lessoned learned. Now we know what to look for and what to watch out for.
Oh my when I went to the forbidden city I had to go to the bathroom and I opened the stall and I was in shock. They didn’t have a normal toilet like in the US. They had like a flat toilet that was on the floor that you squat and do your thing. For anyone that is adopting. When You are out touring make sure you have toilet paper. Most tour places don’t have any.But every restaurant that I have been to so far has had some.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Our Journey To Andrew: Dec 9th, 2009 Day we leave for China
Dec 9th, 2009
We left CWA airport at 6:10 am and got to Chicago at 7:15am ...We had a 4 hour lay over so we got something eat and then sat around. Left Chicago at 12:10 p.m and headed on the longest plane ride ever...13 hours...heading towards Tokyo Japan...what was confusing to me was Japan time is 13 hours ahead of Wisconsin time....and I am not kidding while on the phane it was day time,,,night time,,,,day time....all during 13 I didn't know what day it was or what time it was in Wisconsin or Japan let alone China....So we got to Japan at 4:30pm Thursday evening ( Wisconsin time) Wednesday morning some time....hahahah we had a 2 hour lay over and then we were back on the plane for a 3 hours fight to Bejing China.....
During the fight info...While in Japan I was a little nervous cus I only speak English but there was enough people that spoke somewhat good english to get me where I was going......The signs are in three languages for the bathroom, Smoking area, Food service and for the airport info so it was not hard finding our way people there was so nice...the two hour layover was just talking to people where are you going and what for was fun....I did get to sleep on the airplane but I was fustrated Cus everytime I was just getting to sleep Donald wanted something out of his bag or wanted to say I kept waking up......
ok during the flight from Chicago to Japan I thought my legs were going to cramp and never move again.....We flew in the huge plane that had 374 passengers....there were 4 seats in a row in our section and of couse I was stuck in the middle.....the only relief that I had was on the tv screen in frount of me told me how much longer the flight was.....But the cool thing was all the announcements were in English and Japanese....During the 13 hour flight we had two meals a snack and the dinners we had our choice of two meals....One dish was american and the other was asian the food was not that bad....I took the american food cus I knew that I would be eating chinese food for the next 14 days.....Then on the plane ride from Japan to China we had another meal asian food which was not that good.....
Ok we got to beijing at 10:20 there time on Thursday evening..which was Thursday morning at 8:20 am friday morning for you....
We left CWA airport at 6:10 am and got to Chicago at 7:15am ...We had a 4 hour lay over so we got something eat and then sat around. Left Chicago at 12:10 p.m and headed on the longest plane ride ever...13 hours...heading towards Tokyo Japan...what was confusing to me was Japan time is 13 hours ahead of Wisconsin time....and I am not kidding while on the phane it was day time,,,night time,,,,day time....all during 13 I didn't know what day it was or what time it was in Wisconsin or Japan let alone China....So we got to Japan at 4:30pm Thursday evening ( Wisconsin time) Wednesday morning some time....hahahah we had a 2 hour lay over and then we were back on the plane for a 3 hours fight to Bejing China.....
During the fight info...While in Japan I was a little nervous cus I only speak English but there was enough people that spoke somewhat good english to get me where I was going......The signs are in three languages for the bathroom, Smoking area, Food service and for the airport info so it was not hard finding our way people there was so nice...the two hour layover was just talking to people where are you going and what for was fun....I did get to sleep on the airplane but I was fustrated Cus everytime I was just getting to sleep Donald wanted something out of his bag or wanted to say I kept waking up......
ok during the flight from Chicago to Japan I thought my legs were going to cramp and never move again.....We flew in the huge plane that had 374 passengers....there were 4 seats in a row in our section and of couse I was stuck in the middle.....the only relief that I had was on the tv screen in frount of me told me how much longer the flight was.....But the cool thing was all the announcements were in English and Japanese....During the 13 hour flight we had two meals a snack and the dinners we had our choice of two meals....One dish was american and the other was asian the food was not that bad....I took the american food cus I knew that I would be eating chinese food for the next 14 days.....Then on the plane ride from Japan to China we had another meal asian food which was not that good.....
Ok we got to beijing at 10:20 there time on Thursday evening..which was Thursday morning at 8:20 am friday morning for you....
Dec. 10th, 2009
Dec 10th, 2009
We got into Beijing China and got off the plane now this is where we were confused and tired and confused....we got off the plane and we had to go through quarintin check point....which we had to fill out this paperwork which made no sense to me or Don..but we filled it out as much as possible and then we went through check point. then we had to go through immigration. Which was another form we had to fill out....then we had to go through customs which was difficult we had another form to fill out but of course no one could help us cus we spoke english...I think they finally passed us through without filling out the customs form....I dont know why cus I dont speak chinese but I think it was a quick fix to keep us moving...then we took a train ride to pick up our luggage and then we headed out and we found out tour guide.....Ok here is a quick thought...lets have the tour guide with us right after we get off the plane before all the paperwork instead of at the end of it time to get to our tour guide 65 mins......Expericence Priceless.....Oh while in the airport I didn't know that tour guide made it and that we might have to get a taxi and directions which was written in chinese to get us to the airport....So we stopped and got some chinese money just in case.....The airport will charge u a fee to get your money transferred from Dollars to Yuan......So i got 30 american dollars and turned it into about 200 Yuan which the airport kept 50 Yuan for the fee....
Ok the tour guide takes us to our hotel and we check in and I order food which I had no clue was I ordered...but I can tell you that don't buy food in the is expensive. a soda cost almost 5 american dollars and the food well lets just say I got 3 sodas and rice and the 30 dollars I got at the airport in Yuan was all gone....
So by the time I got into the room it was 12:30 am and we had to be in the lobby waiting at 8:30 a.m for the next day tours....I tried to sleep that night but I was going over the days events and I would sleep a hour and be up a hour.......So 6am getup time came pretty fast......
We got into Beijing China and got off the plane now this is where we were confused and tired and confused....we got off the plane and we had to go through quarintin check point....which we had to fill out this paperwork which made no sense to me or Don..but we filled it out as much as possible and then we went through check point. then we had to go through immigration. Which was another form we had to fill out....then we had to go through customs which was difficult we had another form to fill out but of course no one could help us cus we spoke english...I think they finally passed us through without filling out the customs form....I dont know why cus I dont speak chinese but I think it was a quick fix to keep us moving...then we took a train ride to pick up our luggage and then we headed out and we found out tour guide.....Ok here is a quick thought...lets have the tour guide with us right after we get off the plane before all the paperwork instead of at the end of it time to get to our tour guide 65 mins......Expericence Priceless.....Oh while in the airport I didn't know that tour guide made it and that we might have to get a taxi and directions which was written in chinese to get us to the airport....So we stopped and got some chinese money just in case.....The airport will charge u a fee to get your money transferred from Dollars to Yuan......So i got 30 american dollars and turned it into about 200 Yuan which the airport kept 50 Yuan for the fee....
Ok the tour guide takes us to our hotel and we check in and I order food which I had no clue was I ordered...but I can tell you that don't buy food in the is expensive. a soda cost almost 5 american dollars and the food well lets just say I got 3 sodas and rice and the 30 dollars I got at the airport in Yuan was all gone....
So by the time I got into the room it was 12:30 am and we had to be in the lobby waiting at 8:30 a.m for the next day tours....I tried to sleep that night but I was going over the days events and I would sleep a hour and be up a hour.......So 6am getup time came pretty fast......
December 9th, 2009
Dec 9th, 2009
We left CWA airport at 6:10 am and got to Chicago at 7:15am ...We had a 4 hour lay over so we got something eat and then sat around. Left Chicago at 12:10 p.m and headed on the longest plane ride ever...13 hours...heading towards Tokyo Japan...what was confusing to me was Japan time is 13 hours ahead of Wisconsin time....and I am not kidding while on the phane it was day time,,,night time,,,,day time....all during 13 I didn't know what day it was or what time it was in Wisconsin or Japan let alone China....So we got to Japan at 4:30pm Thursday evening ( Wisconsin time) Wednesday morning some time....hahahah we had a 2 hour lay over and then we were back on the plane for a 3 hours fight to Bejing China.....
During the fight info...While in Japan I was a little nervous cus I only speak English but there was enough people that spoke somewhat good english to get me where I was going......The signs are in three languages for the bathroom, Smoking area, Food service and for the airport info so it was not hard finding our way people there was so nice...the two hour layover was just talking to people where are you going and what for was fun....I did get to sleep on the airplane but I was fustrated Cus everytime I was just getting to sleep Donald wanted something out of his bag or wanted to say I kept waking up......
ok during the flight from Chicago to Japan I thought my legs were going to cramp and never move again.....We flew in the huge plane that had 374 passengers....there were 4 seats in a row in our section and of couse I was stuck in the middle.....the only relief that I had was on the tv screen in frount of me told me how much longer the flight was.....But the cool thing was all the announcements were in English and Japanese....During the 13 hour flight we had two meals a snack and the dinners we had our choice of two meals....One dish was american and the other was asian the food was not that bad....I took the american food cus I knew that I would be eating chinese food for the next 14 days.....Then on the plane ride from Japan to China we had another meal asian food which was not that good.....
Ok we got to beijing at 10:20 there time on Thursday evening..which was Thursday morning at 8:20 am friday morning for you....
We left CWA airport at 6:10 am and got to Chicago at 7:15am ...We had a 4 hour lay over so we got something eat and then sat around. Left Chicago at 12:10 p.m and headed on the longest plane ride ever...13 hours...heading towards Tokyo Japan...what was confusing to me was Japan time is 13 hours ahead of Wisconsin time....and I am not kidding while on the phane it was day time,,,night time,,,,day time....all during 13 I didn't know what day it was or what time it was in Wisconsin or Japan let alone China....So we got to Japan at 4:30pm Thursday evening ( Wisconsin time) Wednesday morning some time....hahahah we had a 2 hour lay over and then we were back on the plane for a 3 hours fight to Bejing China.....
During the fight info...While in Japan I was a little nervous cus I only speak English but there was enough people that spoke somewhat good english to get me where I was going......The signs are in three languages for the bathroom, Smoking area, Food service and for the airport info so it was not hard finding our way people there was so nice...the two hour layover was just talking to people where are you going and what for was fun....I did get to sleep on the airplane but I was fustrated Cus everytime I was just getting to sleep Donald wanted something out of his bag or wanted to say I kept waking up......
ok during the flight from Chicago to Japan I thought my legs were going to cramp and never move again.....We flew in the huge plane that had 374 passengers....there were 4 seats in a row in our section and of couse I was stuck in the middle.....the only relief that I had was on the tv screen in frount of me told me how much longer the flight was.....But the cool thing was all the announcements were in English and Japanese....During the 13 hour flight we had two meals a snack and the dinners we had our choice of two meals....One dish was american and the other was asian the food was not that bad....I took the american food cus I knew that I would be eating chinese food for the next 14 days.....Then on the plane ride from Japan to China we had another meal asian food which was not that good.....
Ok we got to beijing at 10:20 there time on Thursday evening..which was Thursday morning at 8:20 am friday morning for you....
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Updates and previous Info
Wed we are leaving
It is set and airline tickets have been purchased. We are leaving Wed morning very early in the morning. I am going to set up a day by day link for each day that I am in China. I will try to post each day with as many pics as I can.......
So much to do before I leave.....Will try to update as soon as I can.
Posted by Our journey to get Andrew at 10:20 AM 0 comments Links to this post
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I have a date
Oh my I can not believe this but I now have a date......My travel approval arrived and I am suppose to to leave Wednesday Dec 9th, and coming back Christmas Eve........I am to excited to type so I am going to leave this short and sweet......WOOOOOHOOOOO.....
We have a boy
We just got back from the adoption agency and Makayla is now Andrew. In our paperwork it asked for a girl. Our home study and paperwork from the INS says girl.Which our agency has to notify INS and ask if that is going to be a problem. However we got a wonderful healthy boy.
god must of wanted us to have a boy. So I am posting his pictures .
So many things to do and change. His clothes are all pink and purple dresses. His room is all pink and diva decor. His baby scrapbook is all pink and has Makayla all over it. This blog has Makayla and is written for a girl.
For all those from Rumor queen web site that are still waiting I am going to suggest when buying things wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This could happen to you. Laughing!!!!
Ok this is the info that I have on our son . There is lots more that needs to be converted to english still which we should get back on Tuesday.
His name is: Yi Yang Feng
He is from: Jianxi Province / Fencheng SWI China
He is: Healthy
He is : So cute. I fell in love with him the moment I saw his face.
( and yes I cried)
He was born: Oct 27th, 2008
He is : In foster care (which I was really hoping for)
He sleeps til 9 am ( works for me)
moderate to light sleeper
Loves music
very active
impatient sometimes
plays with toys
laughs aloud
has quick reaction time
Everytime I would buy something in the girls department, everyone would say what "If it is a boy" and he Is !!!!!!!!!!
here are the pictures that everyone has been waiting for
so sometime this week I have to update the blog to Say ANDREW!!!!!!
I should of listened to the hubby about not buying till the referral . lol
Now we have to wait 6-8 weeks then we go over to China and get him..... It gives me a little time to box up his room and buy boy things.
More infomation about Andrew
Today I got a email from the adoption agency with medical information that had not been translated when we visited the agency on friday.
This information was dated April 17,2009 he was about 6 months old.
He is completely healthy. Nothing on the report shows anything for concern.
He was found Oct 27, 2008 and entered a foster home on Oct 28, 2008.
at one month : he was small could cry loudly, and sucked on his fingers.
At two months: he would cry and kick if no one would play with him. Very active!!!
he would sit straight, raise his head 45 degress when facing
down,and listen to bell sounds. It also says that he is a very smart
little boy.
at three months:he could recognize voices and turn his head towards sources. played
with his clothes,giggle,he could stand for a minute with help, rows
at four months: likes to go to social places with foster mom, likes to watch TV,
likes listening to music, understanding of the meaning NO, pushes his
body up, giggles loudly when he is excited, he can recognize his
foster mom,
at 5-6 months: He likes to play and plays outside, sits in a walker, plays with toys
with his fingers, likes to suck his fingers, he is not afraid of
He gets up at 9am,and like to play with toys in the bath tub. He likes sweet things
but eats mostly rice cereal and some fruits. He drinks warm water. He has a very active personality sometimes quick tempered, he smiles a lot and loves to play with his toys. he is quick!!!, he loves the foster mom,
It sounds like he is being taken very good care of and that he is a very loving little boy. Quick tempered!!!! That's my boy!!!!
It is set and airline tickets have been purchased. We are leaving Wed morning very early in the morning. I am going to set up a day by day link for each day that I am in China. I will try to post each day with as many pics as I can.......
So much to do before I leave.....Will try to update as soon as I can.
Posted by Our journey to get Andrew at 10:20 AM 0 comments Links to this post
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I have a date
Oh my I can not believe this but I now have a date......My travel approval arrived and I am suppose to to leave Wednesday Dec 9th, and coming back Christmas Eve........I am to excited to type so I am going to leave this short and sweet......WOOOOOHOOOOO.....
We have a boy
We just got back from the adoption agency and Makayla is now Andrew. In our paperwork it asked for a girl. Our home study and paperwork from the INS says girl.Which our agency has to notify INS and ask if that is going to be a problem. However we got a wonderful healthy boy.
god must of wanted us to have a boy. So I am posting his pictures .
So many things to do and change. His clothes are all pink and purple dresses. His room is all pink and diva decor. His baby scrapbook is all pink and has Makayla all over it. This blog has Makayla and is written for a girl.
For all those from Rumor queen web site that are still waiting I am going to suggest when buying things wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This could happen to you. Laughing!!!!
Ok this is the info that I have on our son . There is lots more that needs to be converted to english still which we should get back on Tuesday.
His name is: Yi Yang Feng
He is from: Jianxi Province / Fencheng SWI China
He is: Healthy
He is : So cute. I fell in love with him the moment I saw his face.
( and yes I cried)
He was born: Oct 27th, 2008
He is : In foster care (which I was really hoping for)
He sleeps til 9 am ( works for me)
moderate to light sleeper
Loves music
very active
impatient sometimes
plays with toys
laughs aloud
has quick reaction time
Everytime I would buy something in the girls department, everyone would say what "If it is a boy" and he Is !!!!!!!!!!
here are the pictures that everyone has been waiting for
so sometime this week I have to update the blog to Say ANDREW!!!!!!
I should of listened to the hubby about not buying till the referral . lol
Now we have to wait 6-8 weeks then we go over to China and get him..... It gives me a little time to box up his room and buy boy things.
More infomation about Andrew
Today I got a email from the adoption agency with medical information that had not been translated when we visited the agency on friday.
This information was dated April 17,2009 he was about 6 months old.
He is completely healthy. Nothing on the report shows anything for concern.
He was found Oct 27, 2008 and entered a foster home on Oct 28, 2008.
at one month : he was small could cry loudly, and sucked on his fingers.
At two months: he would cry and kick if no one would play with him. Very active!!!
he would sit straight, raise his head 45 degress when facing
down,and listen to bell sounds. It also says that he is a very smart
little boy.
at three months:he could recognize voices and turn his head towards sources. played
with his clothes,giggle,he could stand for a minute with help, rows
at four months: likes to go to social places with foster mom, likes to watch TV,
likes listening to music, understanding of the meaning NO, pushes his
body up, giggles loudly when he is excited, he can recognize his
foster mom,
at 5-6 months: He likes to play and plays outside, sits in a walker, plays with toys
with his fingers, likes to suck his fingers, he is not afraid of
He gets up at 9am,and like to play with toys in the bath tub. He likes sweet things
but eats mostly rice cereal and some fruits. He drinks warm water. He has a very active personality sometimes quick tempered, he smiles a lot and loves to play with his toys. he is quick!!!, he loves the foster mom,
It sounds like he is being taken very good care of and that he is a very loving little boy. Quick tempered!!!! That's my boy!!!!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Dec 19th , 2009 China
Ok....When we got Drew he was bearly crawling. Now he is almost walking but with help. He says Daddy, knows his name Drew. And Said Mommy once. He loves M and M's, rice, crackers, and peanut butter so anything with peanut butter he would love to eat. Does not like Pickles. Loves potatoes and Mc Donalds french fries.
The first night Drew made a sound like a bird chirping.......I tried to get him to do it later that night and he didn't. Now he does it all the time. He got another tooth the other day. He now has 5, 12 months are a little to big for him yet, but it wont be long until they do.
Today Drew had his medical check up and it was very stressful for the both of us. He had to get 6 shots before he left the country due to Hague new rules. So anyone that is going thruogh Hague please read this. The medical exam cost 535 american dollars, and the shots were 1600 chinese dollars which we were not told about before today. Drew cried so hard during the shots that I even started to cry. It was so hard holding him and see him like that.
I am staying at the Victory Hotel in Guangzhou china. Last night we got here at 11pm and the room was so small. So today we moved to a different room with play room for Drew.....
The first night Drew made a sound like a bird chirping.......I tried to get him to do it later that night and he didn't. Now he does it all the time. He got another tooth the other day. He now has 5, 12 months are a little to big for him yet, but it wont be long until they do.
Today Drew had his medical check up and it was very stressful for the both of us. He had to get 6 shots before he left the country due to Hague new rules. So anyone that is going thruogh Hague please read this. The medical exam cost 535 american dollars, and the shots were 1600 chinese dollars which we were not told about before today. Drew cried so hard during the shots that I even started to cry. It was so hard holding him and see him like that.
I am staying at the Victory Hotel in Guangzhou china. Last night we got here at 11pm and the room was so small. So today we moved to a different room with play room for Drew.....
Dec 18th , 2009 China
You can ask anyone, I do not like anyone eating off of my plate, drinking out of my cup. I even tell my sisters kid about germs.
However in the last 8 days I have had more snot, drool, and already chewed up food on me than I can ever remember.
Do you remember mom when Gail's kids were small that I would make comments about how her kids were full of germs and how unsanitary they were,
Well now I know..........
I almost puked the other night. Drew sneezed and his poor little face was full of snot. So I got out this nose sucker thing and asked Don if he knew how to use it. Don told me no so I quickly found out and when I did it, it was so nasty. I wished I would of video taped it because Don and I at the same time went from being good and started the puking sounds. But we got through it, and we delayed dinner for a hour afterwards.
However in the last 8 days I have had more snot, drool, and already chewed up food on me than I can ever remember.
Do you remember mom when Gail's kids were small that I would make comments about how her kids were full of germs and how unsanitary they were,
Well now I know..........
I almost puked the other night. Drew sneezed and his poor little face was full of snot. So I got out this nose sucker thing and asked Don if he knew how to use it. Don told me no so I quickly found out and when I did it, it was so nasty. I wished I would of video taped it because Don and I at the same time went from being good and started the puking sounds. But we got through it, and we delayed dinner for a hour afterwards.
Dec 12th China
ok.....We got our son yesterday.....Gotcha day....let me just tell you how cute he is. The day of events was exciting yet very overwelling.
Today we fly to his provence and checked into the hotel and was told that we were suppose to meet the guide down staires at 3:30pm.
We were there at 2:45......
Then Don, I and another couple went to the orphange building and when we walked into this big room there was 2 babies. We all stopped and didn't know what to do, then the guide said oh no those are not your children.
So then the babies left and we sat down then babies came and left and came and left. It was like a total tease ok is that is that I thought for sure that the moment I saw him I would reconize him but each baby that walked in was Drew.
Then a baby came in and it was the little girl for the couple that we are with. I grabbed my video camera and cried as they held there daughter for the first time. She was a little fussy at first but than she was ok.
We waited .....and waited.....then our guide told us that Drew was on his way that he was stuck in traffic.
So we waited....and waited.....then about a hour later he comes in the room with a woman holding the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. Yes it was Drew. The lady said something to him and then said here is Mommy and handed him to me. It was like 2mins later I was told to come into this room and the three of us got our picture together and then Drew by himself.
He cried so hard.He was so scared and confused. He was the loudest child there.
By the way the the other couple grabbed my video camera and I don't know how much he got of the first meeeting with Drew but I never cried I wanted to stay calm for him and because he was making such a fuss they rushed us out of the building and back to the hotel. He cried about half way to the hotel and then he was starting to calm down when Don said hello to him and man it started all over again.
Ok let me back up a little while were we waiting for Andrew to arrive this large group of Canadians came in the room this couple walked up to us and it was the weirdest conversation now that I look back on it....but they were waiting for the same car load that we were and we talked about where we were from and how the trip was getting here but nothing about how excited we were while waiting.I knew that we were all emotional but it never came up in conversation......weird.....
After we got our pic taken Don held Drew for the first time and boy that really got Drew upset. I could tell on Don's face that it bothered him a lot but I didn't say anything when Drew held out his arms to me and I took him back. I think because of all the crying he was doing and the large group that was just gettting there babies that they took us out fast.
He got to the hotel and Drew and I went up to the room while Don went with the guide shopping for diapers and formula. I told Don that Drew had on way to many clothes on and I think that the reason he was so fussy. He was scared and very hot so when I got up to the room I started taking off the clothes he had on to check his diaper and get some new clothes on him. He had on 4 tops and 4 bottoms he cried the whole time. I changed his diaper and put on some cooler clothes and then him and I sat on the floor and I gave him his toys and we played. His favorite was this music box thing that hangs on the crib and the little bowls that I brought to put cherrios in and spoons.......oh and paper..........
About 20 mins later Don walked into the hotel room and there Drew and I were happy playing on the floor....Don said wow he looks and sounds like a completly different kid then when I saw him 20 minutes ago...........
I played with him for about a hour and then we dicussed going down to eat dinner in the lobby.....
So we called Don's mom and Dad and my Mom and Dad and let them talk to Drew......
I gave him a couple of cookies before dinner and he loves Chocolate.....Thats my boy.
Then we went down to have dinner and there were chinese men in the lobby that were looking and smiling at Drew. He was so cute, at dinner he had some ice cream and then was full of energy. WOW
I am surprised last night I gave him a bottle and layed him in the crib and he was fine, about an hour later he woke up and was a little fussy. I held him and then layed with him on the bed and then he fell asleep and he is still sleeping. He has slept from 9pm until now which is 5:30 am. I am just surprised that his first night with us was kinda easy, almost too easy. He has some marks on his back that I took pictures of just in case.
Today we are going to pay for him and then shop. He is 12 months but in a couple of months with American food he will grow out of it, so if anyone asks 18 months clothing.
Today we fly to his provence and checked into the hotel and was told that we were suppose to meet the guide down staires at 3:30pm.
We were there at 2:45......
Then Don, I and another couple went to the orphange building and when we walked into this big room there was 2 babies. We all stopped and didn't know what to do, then the guide said oh no those are not your children.
So then the babies left and we sat down then babies came and left and came and left. It was like a total tease ok is that is that I thought for sure that the moment I saw him I would reconize him but each baby that walked in was Drew.
Then a baby came in and it was the little girl for the couple that we are with. I grabbed my video camera and cried as they held there daughter for the first time. She was a little fussy at first but than she was ok.
We waited .....and waited.....then our guide told us that Drew was on his way that he was stuck in traffic.
So we waited....and waited.....then about a hour later he comes in the room with a woman holding the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. Yes it was Drew. The lady said something to him and then said here is Mommy and handed him to me. It was like 2mins later I was told to come into this room and the three of us got our picture together and then Drew by himself.
He cried so hard.He was so scared and confused. He was the loudest child there.
By the way the the other couple grabbed my video camera and I don't know how much he got of the first meeeting with Drew but I never cried I wanted to stay calm for him and because he was making such a fuss they rushed us out of the building and back to the hotel. He cried about half way to the hotel and then he was starting to calm down when Don said hello to him and man it started all over again.
Ok let me back up a little while were we waiting for Andrew to arrive this large group of Canadians came in the room this couple walked up to us and it was the weirdest conversation now that I look back on it....but they were waiting for the same car load that we were and we talked about where we were from and how the trip was getting here but nothing about how excited we were while waiting.I knew that we were all emotional but it never came up in conversation......weird.....
After we got our pic taken Don held Drew for the first time and boy that really got Drew upset. I could tell on Don's face that it bothered him a lot but I didn't say anything when Drew held out his arms to me and I took him back. I think because of all the crying he was doing and the large group that was just gettting there babies that they took us out fast.
He got to the hotel and Drew and I went up to the room while Don went with the guide shopping for diapers and formula. I told Don that Drew had on way to many clothes on and I think that the reason he was so fussy. He was scared and very hot so when I got up to the room I started taking off the clothes he had on to check his diaper and get some new clothes on him. He had on 4 tops and 4 bottoms he cried the whole time. I changed his diaper and put on some cooler clothes and then him and I sat on the floor and I gave him his toys and we played. His favorite was this music box thing that hangs on the crib and the little bowls that I brought to put cherrios in and spoons.......oh and paper..........
About 20 mins later Don walked into the hotel room and there Drew and I were happy playing on the floor....Don said wow he looks and sounds like a completly different kid then when I saw him 20 minutes ago...........
I played with him for about a hour and then we dicussed going down to eat dinner in the lobby.....
So we called Don's mom and Dad and my Mom and Dad and let them talk to Drew......
I gave him a couple of cookies before dinner and he loves Chocolate.....Thats my boy.
Then we went down to have dinner and there were chinese men in the lobby that were looking and smiling at Drew. He was so cute, at dinner he had some ice cream and then was full of energy. WOW
I am surprised last night I gave him a bottle and layed him in the crib and he was fine, about an hour later he woke up and was a little fussy. I held him and then layed with him on the bed and then he fell asleep and he is still sleeping. He has slept from 9pm until now which is 5:30 am. I am just surprised that his first night with us was kinda easy, almost too easy. He has some marks on his back that I took pictures of just in case.
Today we are going to pay for him and then shop. He is 12 months but in a couple of months with American food he will grow out of it, so if anyone asks 18 months clothing.
Dec10th, 2009 First Day in China
Dec 10th, 2009
We got into Beijing China and got off the plane now this is where we were confused and tired and confused....we got off the plane and we had to go through quarintin check point....which we had to fill out this paperwork which made no sense to me or Don..but we filled it out as much as possible and then we went through check point. then we had to go through immigration. Which was another form we had to fill out....then we had to go through customs which was difficult we had another form to fill out but of course no one could help us cus we spoke english...I think they finally passed us through without filling out the customs form....I dont know why cus I dont speak chinese but I think it was a quick fix to keep us moving...then we took a train ride to pick up our luggage and then we headed out and we found out tour guide.....Ok here is a quick thought...lets have the tour guide with us right after we get off the plane before all the paperwork instead of at the end of it time to get to our tour guide 65 mins......Expericence Priceless.....Oh while in the airport I didn't know that tour guide made it and that we might have to get a taxi and directions which was written in chinese to get us to the airport....So we stopped and got some chinese money just in case.....The airport will charge u a fee to get your money transferred from Dollars to Yuan......So i got 30 american dollars and turned it into about 200 Yuan which the airport kept 50 Yuan for the fee....
Ok the tour guide takes us to our hotel and we check in and I order food which I had no clue was I ordered...but I can tell you that don't buy food in the is expensive. a soda cost almost 5 american dollars and the food well lets just say I got 3 sodas and rice and the 30 dollars I got at the airport in Yuan was all gone....
So by the time I got into the room it was 12:30 am and we had to be in the lobby waiting at 8:30 a.m for the next day tours....I tried to sleep that night but I was going over the days events and I would sleep a hour and be up a hour.......So 6am getup time came pretty fast......
We got into Beijing China and got off the plane now this is where we were confused and tired and confused....we got off the plane and we had to go through quarintin check point....which we had to fill out this paperwork which made no sense to me or Don..but we filled it out as much as possible and then we went through check point. then we had to go through immigration. Which was another form we had to fill out....then we had to go through customs which was difficult we had another form to fill out but of course no one could help us cus we spoke english...I think they finally passed us through without filling out the customs form....I dont know why cus I dont speak chinese but I think it was a quick fix to keep us moving...then we took a train ride to pick up our luggage and then we headed out and we found out tour guide.....Ok here is a quick thought...lets have the tour guide with us right after we get off the plane before all the paperwork instead of at the end of it time to get to our tour guide 65 mins......Expericence Priceless.....Oh while in the airport I didn't know that tour guide made it and that we might have to get a taxi and directions which was written in chinese to get us to the airport....So we stopped and got some chinese money just in case.....The airport will charge u a fee to get your money transferred from Dollars to Yuan......So i got 30 american dollars and turned it into about 200 Yuan which the airport kept 50 Yuan for the fee....
Ok the tour guide takes us to our hotel and we check in and I order food which I had no clue was I ordered...but I can tell you that don't buy food in the is expensive. a soda cost almost 5 american dollars and the food well lets just say I got 3 sodas and rice and the 30 dollars I got at the airport in Yuan was all gone....
So by the time I got into the room it was 12:30 am and we had to be in the lobby waiting at 8:30 a.m for the next day tours....I tried to sleep that night but I was going over the days events and I would sleep a hour and be up a hour.......So 6am getup time came pretty fast......
Dec 9th, 2009 Day we leave for China
Dec 9th, 2009
We left CWA airport at 6:10 am and got to Chicago at 7:15am ...We had a 4 hour lay over so we got something eat and then sat around. Left Chicago at 12:10 p.m and headed on the longest plane ride ever...13 hours...heading towards Tokyo Japan...what was confusing to me was Japan time is 13 hours ahead of Wisconsin time....and I am not kidding while on the phane it was day time,,,night time,,,,day time....all during 13 I didn't know what day it was or what time it was in Wisconsin or Japan let alone China....So we got to Japan at 4:30pm Thursday evening ( Wisconsin time) Wednesday morning some time....hahahah we had a 2 hour lay over and then we were back on the plane for a 3 hours fight to Bejing China.....
During the fight info...While in Japan I was a little nervous cus I only speak English but there was enough people that spoke somewhat good english to get me where I was going......The signs are in three languages for the bathroom, Smoking area, Food service and for the airport info so it was not hard finding our way people there was so nice...the two hour layover was just talking to people where are you going and what for was fun....I did get to sleep on the airplane but I was fustrated Cus everytime I was just getting to sleep Donald wanted something out of his bag or wanted to say I kept waking up......
ok during the flight from Chicago to Japan I thought my legs were going to cramp and never move again.....We flew in the huge plane that had 374 passengers....there were 4 seats in a row in our section and of couse I was stuck in the middle.....the only relief that I had was on the tv screen in frount of me told me how much longer the flight was.....But the cool thing was all the announcements were in English and Japanese....During the 13 hour flight we had two meals a snack and the dinners we had our choice of two meals....One dish was american and the other was asian the food was not that bad....I took the american food cus I knew that I would be eating chinese food for the next 14 days.....Then on the plane ride from Japan to China we had another meal asian food which was not that good.....
Ok we got to beijing at 10:20 there time on Thursday evening..which was Thursday morning at 8:20 am friday morning for you....
We left CWA airport at 6:10 am and got to Chicago at 7:15am ...We had a 4 hour lay over so we got something eat and then sat around. Left Chicago at 12:10 p.m and headed on the longest plane ride ever...13 hours...heading towards Tokyo Japan...what was confusing to me was Japan time is 13 hours ahead of Wisconsin time....and I am not kidding while on the phane it was day time,,,night time,,,,day time....all during 13 I didn't know what day it was or what time it was in Wisconsin or Japan let alone China....So we got to Japan at 4:30pm Thursday evening ( Wisconsin time) Wednesday morning some time....hahahah we had a 2 hour lay over and then we were back on the plane for a 3 hours fight to Bejing China.....
During the fight info...While in Japan I was a little nervous cus I only speak English but there was enough people that spoke somewhat good english to get me where I was going......The signs are in three languages for the bathroom, Smoking area, Food service and for the airport info so it was not hard finding our way people there was so nice...the two hour layover was just talking to people where are you going and what for was fun....I did get to sleep on the airplane but I was fustrated Cus everytime I was just getting to sleep Donald wanted something out of his bag or wanted to say I kept waking up......
ok during the flight from Chicago to Japan I thought my legs were going to cramp and never move again.....We flew in the huge plane that had 374 passengers....there were 4 seats in a row in our section and of couse I was stuck in the middle.....the only relief that I had was on the tv screen in frount of me told me how much longer the flight was.....But the cool thing was all the announcements were in English and Japanese....During the 13 hour flight we had two meals a snack and the dinners we had our choice of two meals....One dish was american and the other was asian the food was not that bad....I took the american food cus I knew that I would be eating chinese food for the next 14 days.....Then on the plane ride from Japan to China we had another meal asian food which was not that good.....
Ok we got to beijing at 10:20 there time on Thursday evening..which was Thursday morning at 8:20 am friday morning for you....
Wed we are leaving
It is set and airline tickets have been purchased. We are leaving Wed morning very early in the morning. I am going to set up a day by day link for each day that I am in China. I will try to post each day with as many pics as I can.......
So much to do before I leave.....Will try to update as soon as I can.
So much to do before I leave.....Will try to update as soon as I can.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I have a date
Oh my I can not believe this but I now have a date......My travel approval arrived and I am suppose to to leave Wednesday Dec 9th, and coming back Christmas Eve........I am to excited to type so I am going to leave this short and sweet......WOOOOOHOOOOO.....
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I have still not heard when I am going to China. This sucks. I have seen Drews face almost 3 months ago and still have not been able to hold him and go and get him. I am all packed and ready for the call. I hope and pray that I am there for his first birthday.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Andrews room
OK all of my paperwork has been done and i am just waiting for a travel approval. As long as I with Andrew for his first birthday which is Oct 27th I will be happy. My group is leaving tomorrow and here I sit and wait. Sad but my time is coming very soon. All of my shopping is done. I am packed but I have a slight problem. I am able to take 2 suit cases and two travel bags and they are all full and i have not packed any clothes. So what to do??????
Friday, August 28, 2009
Sorry no posts

Sorry I have not posted anything for a while. It has been crazy here.
I am almost done packing up Andrews room with help from Donald. I never realized how much girl stuff I bought. Boxes and boxes of stuff all new. There was clothes that I bought a long time ago that was hiding under the crib I forgot about. I put them under the crib in hopes that Don would not see that my spending freeze was in his mind not
During the wait and thinking we were getting a girl, I made this scrapbook for each day that we were going to be in China. It has Makayla stickers all over it and the pages are pink and girl designs. I spent a lot of time making this book and money. So if anyone is adopting from China and is naming there child Makayla please email me and I would like to mail it to you.. please email me at I don't want any money for it, I just want it to be used and enjoyed instead of throwing it out or sitting around and never used.
Our baby shower is on Sunday. I can not wait!!!!!!
When we got our referral we went right away and made copies of the pictures of Andrew that were given to us. Since then I have made more copies a couple of times. I want to send out his picture with our adoption notices (Which by the way is pink and says girl on them). I am just going to mark out girl and write in boy.....I have looked at the announcements every where and I just don't like them...Plus I think it would be cute to send out the pink ones. I was going to mail them out to friends and family as soon as I find out when we are leaving.
I could not tell you how many people has said to me "I TOLD YOU NOT TO BUY ANYTHING" "I TOLD YOU IT WAS GOING TO BE A BOY"
Yet those same people also bought me girl things over the 3 plus years of wait. hmmmmm
Someone asked me how I felt about our baby being a boy after so long thinking is was a girl, if I was sad about it. My answer was yes I was sad and yet very happy. There was no doubt in my mind when I saw his beautiful face for the first time that he was our son. There was an instant love that I felt for him ( as crazy as that sounds). I show his picture off to anyone that will look and even to some that don't care but still looks. I have his picture in my car, at work, in my wallet, my cell phone, everywhere.
This weekend after the shower Don and I are going shopping for the things that we need to take to China for Andrew. So much to do and yet so little time..........If there is anything you think we must bring please post it...Every little bit of info is very helpful.
We now have picked out his name: ANDREW YANG SMETAK
WE really wanted part of his Chinese name to stay with him.
Monday, July 27, 2009
More infomation about Andrew
Today I got a email from the adoption agency with medical information that had not been translated when we visited the agency on friday.
This information was dated April 17,2009 he was about 6 months old.
He is completely healthy. Nothing on the report shows anything for concern.
He was found Oct 27, 2008 and entered a foster home on Oct 28, 2008.
at one month : he was small could cry loudly, and sucked on his fingers.
At two months: he would cry and kick if no one would play with him. Very active!!!
he would sit straight, raise his head 45 degress when facing
down,and listen to bell sounds. It also says that he is a very smart
little boy.
at three months:he could recognize voices and turn his head towards sources. played
with his clothes,giggle,he could stand for a minute with help, rows
at four months: likes to go to social places with foster mom, likes to watch TV,
likes listening to music, understanding of the meaning NO, pushes his
body up, giggles loudly when he is excited, he can recognize his
foster mom,
at 5-6 months: He likes to play and plays outside, sits in a walker, plays with toys
with his fingers, likes to suck his fingers, he is not afraid of
He gets up at 9am,and like to play with toys in the bath tub. He likes sweet things
but eats mostly rice cereal and some fruits. He drinks warm water. He has a very active personality sometimes quick tempered, he smiles a lot and loves to play with his toys. he is quick!!!, he loves the foster mom,
It sounds like he is being taken very good care of and that he is a very loving little boy. Quick tempered!!!! That's my boy!!!!
This information was dated April 17,2009 he was about 6 months old.
He is completely healthy. Nothing on the report shows anything for concern.
He was found Oct 27, 2008 and entered a foster home on Oct 28, 2008.
at one month : he was small could cry loudly, and sucked on his fingers.
At two months: he would cry and kick if no one would play with him. Very active!!!
he would sit straight, raise his head 45 degress when facing
down,and listen to bell sounds. It also says that he is a very smart
little boy.
at three months:he could recognize voices and turn his head towards sources. played
with his clothes,giggle,he could stand for a minute with help, rows
at four months: likes to go to social places with foster mom, likes to watch TV,
likes listening to music, understanding of the meaning NO, pushes his
body up, giggles loudly when he is excited, he can recognize his
foster mom,
at 5-6 months: He likes to play and plays outside, sits in a walker, plays with toys
with his fingers, likes to suck his fingers, he is not afraid of
He gets up at 9am,and like to play with toys in the bath tub. He likes sweet things
but eats mostly rice cereal and some fruits. He drinks warm water. He has a very active personality sometimes quick tempered, he smiles a lot and loves to play with his toys. he is quick!!!, he loves the foster mom,
It sounds like he is being taken very good care of and that he is a very loving little boy. Quick tempered!!!! That's my boy!!!!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Andrews middle name
I have been racking my brain on what to have his middle name be. Here are some suggestions. His Chinese name? My dads middle name David? Or my grandfathers name Charles?
What do you think????
I think this question should go to a new pole.
What do you think????
I think this question should go to a new pole.
Friday, July 24, 2009
We have a boy

We just got back from the adoption agency and Makayla is now Andrew. In our paperwork it asked for a girl. Our home study and paperwork from the INS says girl.Which our agency has to notify INS and ask if that is going to be a problem. However we got a wonderful healthy boy.
god must of wanted us to have a boy. So I am posting his pictures .
So many things to do and change. His clothes are all pink and purple dresses. His room is all pink and diva decor. His baby scrapbook is all pink and has Makayla all over it. This blog has Makayla and is written for a girl.
For all those from Rumor queen web site that are still waiting I am going to suggest when buying things wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This could happen to you. Laughing!!!!
Ok this is the info that I have on our son . There is lots more that needs to be converted to english still which we should get back on Tuesday.
His name is: Yi Yang Feng
He is from: Jianxi Province / Fencheng SWI China
He is: Healthy
He is : So cute. I fell in love with him the moment I saw his face.
( and yes I cried)
He was born: Oct 27th, 2008
He is : In foster care (which I was really hoping for)
He sleeps til 9 am ( works for me)
moderate to light sleeper
Loves music
very active
impatient sometimes
plays with toys
laughs aloud
has quick reaction time
Everytime I would buy something in the girls department, everyone would say what "If it is a boy" and he Is !!!!!!!!!!
here are the pictures that everyone has been waiting for
so sometime this week I have to update the blog to Say ANDREW!!!!!!
I should of listened to the hubby about not buying till the referral . lol
Now we have to wait 6-8 weeks then we go over to China and get him..... It gives me a little time to box up his room and buy boy things.
we got the call
OK here is the information that I have available which is great news and to be quite funny no great news.
We got the call at 8:50a.m and the pictures have her in all pink but the english paperwork says its a boy. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Please check out pictures of her room!!!!!!!!!!! All pink and all dresses!!!!!!!!!!
If it is a boy then I guess the spending freeze is off .
we'll The baby was born Oct 27th, 2008 and that is all the info that I have at this time. We are going to leave here soon for the two hour drive. I will post asap when I find out the sex.
We got the call at 8:50a.m and the pictures have her in all pink but the english paperwork says its a boy. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Please check out pictures of her room!!!!!!!!!!! All pink and all dresses!!!!!!!!!!
If it is a boy then I guess the spending freeze is off .
we'll The baby was born Oct 27th, 2008 and that is all the info that I have at this time. We are going to leave here soon for the two hour drive. I will post asap when I find out the sex.
It's friday
It's friday. Today we should hear about our daughter. I will post asap when I do and pictures too.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Here it is 3am again and I have not interest in sleeping or eating. I know the agency is not calling this time of the night but I am sitting by the phone anyway. I checked to caller ID several times and nothing. My wish is that in 6 hours to get a call and head down to the agency to see our child's face for the first time. I know I will cry and sob when I do. This trip will be the longest two hours of my life.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
We got a call
Our adoption agency called today and said to expect pictures and info on Friday. I can not type I am so excited.
Monday, July 20, 2009
referrals have been mailed
Referrals have been mailed out last night in China. China has updated there website to say that they have given out referrals through March 22, 2006. What does that mean? We have a package on its way.
I called our agency and here is the bad news. My social worker is on vacation. I love you Kari but why this week???????????? I would like to think that I have some pull around the agency but what I did get them to do is call her on vacation and to call me back ASAP, but I have not heard from her yet as of 10:04. The lady I talked to said that the packages take about 3-5 days to reach the US and then another day to get to them. They will notify us when they get the referral. My first thought was to call work and tell them I am taking a week of personal time and drive the two hours to the agency and camp out. however I can not find the tent!!!!!!!!! lol
So at work today and the rest of the week I will have my cell phone very close to me just in case the call comes in.
As soon as I get pictures I will post them on here.
I will post more in a minute my phone is ringing like crazy!!!!!!
I called our agency and here is the bad news. My social worker is on vacation. I love you Kari but why this week???????????? I would like to think that I have some pull around the agency but what I did get them to do is call her on vacation and to call me back ASAP, but I have not heard from her yet as of 10:04. The lady I talked to said that the packages take about 3-5 days to reach the US and then another day to get to them. They will notify us when they get the referral. My first thought was to call work and tell them I am taking a week of personal time and drive the two hours to the agency and camp out. however I can not find the tent!!!!!!!!! lol
So at work today and the rest of the week I will have my cell phone very close to me just in case the call comes in.
As soon as I get pictures I will post them on here.
I will post more in a minute my phone is ringing like crazy!!!!!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Great news
The first rumor for this months referrals are in. They are matching families through march 22, 2006. Only two day!!!!!!!!! But that means we are in!!!!!
Next week we could she Makayla for the first time.
I am hoping the referrals are going to be mailed out on Monday and we should here something on Thursday or friday.
Next week we could she Makayla for the first time.
I am hoping the referrals are going to be mailed out on Monday and we should here something on Thursday or friday.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
3 more weeks
The wait is getting unbearable. Only 3 more weeks and I get to see my daughters face for the first time. I feel sick!!!!!!! I have so many things to do yet. Yet I cant believe that it is here so I can't find myself doing anything about it........It is to real to believe......
I am going to finally be a mother. That is something that no amount of wait can prepare you for.......I have been in tears every time I pass her room.
Since the wait has been so long, it is kinda like waiting for something that will never happen and now we are so close my life is about to change for ever......
I have so much to do on her room and I have been so busy....Ok I have been putting it off. I will get it done this weekend and post pictures I promise.
Just to let everyone know that in the next three weeks our little adoption site here is going to go public so I have to remove some things and add. SO I will have alot of updates. There is some things that I don't want to share with just anyone.
I am going to finally be a mother. That is something that no amount of wait can prepare you for.......I have been in tears every time I pass her room.
Since the wait has been so long, it is kinda like waiting for something that will never happen and now we are so close my life is about to change for ever......
I have so much to do on her room and I have been so busy....Ok I have been putting it off. I will get it done this weekend and post pictures I promise.
Just to let everyone know that in the next three weeks our little adoption site here is going to go public so I have to remove some things and add. SO I will have alot of updates. There is some things that I don't want to share with just anyone.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Referrrals are in and we are not
Referrals are in and China has given out babies up to the log in date of March 20th, 2006. We are logged in March 22nd, 2006. So yes we will be in the next batch. So everyone who reads this the blog will hear the news first. Referrals have been arriving between the 15th -22nd of the month. So we should see Makayla's face mid July. So much to do!!!! Like I have not had 4 years to prepare for this moment.
YES we are next!!!!!!!
YES we are next!!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The rumor out there that referrals are coming at the end of June or beginning of July and that they are going to have a cut off of March 22nd. That is great for us our log in date is March 22nd, this is the best rumor I have heard so far. My fingers are crossed.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Rumors about referrals
Rumors about referrals are that they are not sending out referrals till July. That the referrals for the end of May that came out were for May and June. So it is possible that we could get our referral in July, My fingers are crossed. This weekend I am finishing up on Makyala's room. So when I am done I will post pictures.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Referrals Are in
Referrals are arriving today and the CCAA (China Affairs) has given out referrals whose log in date is through March 14th, 2006. We are logged in March 22nd. Very close indeed.
Monday, May 18, 2009
No referrals in May
For the month of May there were no referrals given out. Rumor has it that the China Affairs (CCAA) did not give out referrals due to the swine flu. I am hoping that in June that CCAA will give out referrals for May and June. So I am hoping and crossing my fingers that in June that a package is due our way.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Last month referrals were given out through March 8th, 2006. For the month of May there are rumors that the CCAA will wait for referrals until they know more about the Swine Flu.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Referrals are near
It is that time again for referrals to arrive and every month we get a little closer but very slow. China has given out referrals up to March 6th and rumors for this month is that China is going to give out referrals up to March 8th. Only 13 more days of log in dates before ours. In that time frame of 13 days there is two weekends so that only leaves only 9 days of log in dates before ours. My estimate for a referral is June or July with a travel time 5 weeks later. I am hoping for June , But only time will tell. June would be a great time Don will be done with school and we will still be able to attend the family reunion in Aug. ( Swartout side). SO much needs to be done before we go. Don and I went last Sunday to register for gifts. It was hard to find enough to put on the register. I bought to much in the 3 years that we were waiting. So we are registered at Target and Walmart. This weekend I am going to get Makyala's referral package together. I know you are wondering what package. In the past several years when people get a referral they mail their child a care package. Which includes a picture album of the family, and stuff that your child's orphanage can give her till you are able to care for her yourself. I want the package to be ready and packed so when we get our referral I can mail it out the same day or the day after. The picture album I am hoping that she will look at and recognize us so it will not be to dramatic to have complete strangers all of a sudden taking care of her. What ever I can do the make the transfer of care givers easier for her the better the easier the bonding process will be. This little girl is coming from on county that speaks Chinese to the USA that speaks English. I can't even imagine how scary that is going to be for her not being able to understand what we want and for us to know what she wants.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
update and info
So sorry for the delay. I have been so busy with my dad and the benefit that I have not updated as much as I should.
News: the beneift is over and we had a great turn out for it, We raised our goal amount and donations are still coming in. Again if anyone would like updates on how my dad is doing please visit for updates. I hope that my mom is doing updates I have not checked lately. My dad is doing great. He is walking with help and every once in a while he will say a word or two. He says Dorrine all the time. My mom and dad are still staying with Don and I until the wheel chair ramp can be built. The snow is almost melted so mom is working on that.
The delay in info posted is due to The benefit and dad and work.....Only 24 hours in a day and I really could use 28 hours. Now that the benefit is over that is one less thing that I have to worry about. Now my schedule is a little less. During the day I take care of dad and then work in the afternoon. Before I worked on the benefit stuff after work till bed, but now I can use that time to catch up on adoption stuff and spend time with Don.
The adoption wait is very close to a referral . They have given out babies through March 6th 2006 and we are logged in March 22, 2006. Minus the weekends and that is only 13 log in dates before ours.
If you are not informed on how the log in dates work please refer to the right hand side of the blog on info.
At the benefit (I / We ) bought a dresser that someone donated that was used. Actually Don went to the bathroom and he came out and wow we bought a dresser. As many of you know I am on a spending freeze for Makayla. So now I have this dresser that I am going to paint pink with green and blue polka dots to match her room. If you would like to see pictures of her room please scroll down this page or on the right hand side of the blog is a link to Makaylas room. Don says that the dresser is going to be to big for her room and the pink will be to much, but I think with the attached mirror that it will make the room look bigger, and if it does not turn out that I can just put the first dresser back in.
Back to the spending freeze Don has set me on. I keep telling Don and I have to get stuff like Diaper Rash cream in the states vs China, this is due to I can not read Chinese. I think it is diaper cream and we buy it in China and it is actually baby shampoo!!!!! Right!!!!!
So this leads me to a new pole. Should Dorrine be on a spending spree this close to a referral?????PLease vote!!!!
News: the beneift is over and we had a great turn out for it, We raised our goal amount and donations are still coming in. Again if anyone would like updates on how my dad is doing please visit for updates. I hope that my mom is doing updates I have not checked lately. My dad is doing great. He is walking with help and every once in a while he will say a word or two. He says Dorrine all the time. My mom and dad are still staying with Don and I until the wheel chair ramp can be built. The snow is almost melted so mom is working on that.
The delay in info posted is due to The benefit and dad and work.....Only 24 hours in a day and I really could use 28 hours. Now that the benefit is over that is one less thing that I have to worry about. Now my schedule is a little less. During the day I take care of dad and then work in the afternoon. Before I worked on the benefit stuff after work till bed, but now I can use that time to catch up on adoption stuff and spend time with Don.
The adoption wait is very close to a referral . They have given out babies through March 6th 2006 and we are logged in March 22, 2006. Minus the weekends and that is only 13 log in dates before ours.
If you are not informed on how the log in dates work please refer to the right hand side of the blog on info.
At the benefit (I / We ) bought a dresser that someone donated that was used. Actually Don went to the bathroom and he came out and wow we bought a dresser. As many of you know I am on a spending freeze for Makayla. So now I have this dresser that I am going to paint pink with green and blue polka dots to match her room. If you would like to see pictures of her room please scroll down this page or on the right hand side of the blog is a link to Makaylas room. Don says that the dresser is going to be to big for her room and the pink will be to much, but I think with the attached mirror that it will make the room look bigger, and if it does not turn out that I can just put the first dresser back in.
Back to the spending freeze Don has set me on. I keep telling Don and I have to get stuff like Diaper Rash cream in the states vs China, this is due to I can not read Chinese. I think it is diaper cream and we buy it in China and it is actually baby shampoo!!!!! Right!!!!!
So this leads me to a new pole. Should Dorrine be on a spending spree this close to a referral?????PLease vote!!!!
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