We just got back from the adoption agency and Makayla is now Andrew. In our paperwork it asked for a girl. Our home study and paperwork from the INS says girl.Which our agency has to notify INS and ask if that is going to be a problem. However we got a wonderful healthy boy.
god must of wanted us to have a boy. So I am posting his pictures .
So many things to do and change. His clothes are all pink and purple dresses. His room is all pink and diva decor. His baby scrapbook is all pink and has Makayla all over it. This blog has Makayla and is written for a girl.
For all those from Rumor queen web site that are still waiting I am going to suggest when buying things wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This could happen to you. Laughing!!!!
Ok this is the info that I have on our son . There is lots more that needs to be converted to english still which we should get back on Tuesday.
His name is: Yi Yang Feng
He is from: Jianxi Province / Fencheng SWI China
He is: Healthy
He is : So cute. I fell in love with him the moment I saw his face.
( and yes I cried)
He was born: Oct 27th, 2008
He is : In foster care (which I was really hoping for)
He sleeps til 9 am ( works for me)
moderate to light sleeper
Loves music
very active
impatient sometimes
plays with toys
laughs aloud
has quick reaction time
Everytime I would buy something in the girls department, everyone would say what "If it is a boy" and he Is !!!!!!!!!!
here are the pictures that everyone has been waiting for
so sometime this week I have to update the blog to Say ANDREW!!!!!!
I should of listened to the hubby about not buying till the referral . lol
Now we have to wait 6-8 weeks then we go over to China and get him..... It gives me a little time to box up his room and buy boy things.
When we were in China we learned that pink is not a feminine-exclusive color there. We would be out with our pink-clad daughter and were repeatedly asked "boy or girl?" by Chinese people.
Your son is stunning. Many congratulations! He looks delicious enough to eat!
He is ADORABLE! What a beautiful baby boy. Congratulations. I know it must be a bit of a shock but you are right, he was the child God knew would be perfect for your family:) Congratulations!!
He's adorable. What beautiful big eyes and gorgeous lips.
Congratulations! And secure enough in his boyhood to proudly sport pink. :)
Congratulations! What an adorable little surprise you have!
Dusty from TWLP
He is absolutely adorable! Congratulations!
Congrats! What a handsome little son you have!! Our first referral was also a boy...he is now 5 and I can't imagine our life without him! You will have so much fun with a son...especially one from China!
No shopping freeze..lot's of great boys clothes out there!!! :)
Congratulations on your handsome son!! Our daughter is also from Feng Cheng and you will have a great time in Nanchang. Feel free to drop by the FC Yahoo group and join up - lots of great people with heaps of good advice! Congratulations again. Cristina xxx
He is so cute! Being a mom of a boy....BOYS are wonderful! Congratulations!
He is absolutely beautiful!!!!! Trust me, as the mom to two wonderful boys (now men) your heart will be full as you journey through life with a son :)
Terrye in FL
Congrats on your new baby boy. They are so sweet and they love their mamas very much. My daughter is from Fengcheng and she had wonderful care there. Our son is from Guangdong. You'll get to travel to both of the Provinces that our children are from.
He's just darling. Congratulations!
Three cheers for baby boys!!!
This is Nancy, i knew it was going to be a boy...cant wait to send u a box full of blue clothing.
How exciting...and now you get to go shopping!!! You have 6-8 weeks:) you should be able to help the economy quite a bit!!
Congrats on your beautiful boy!!!
A boy! What a wonderful surprise!
Have fun shopping for him!
Congratulations!!! Andrew is Adorable!!!!
Found you though RQ - he is beautiful! I have a closet full of girl clothes waiting for our daughter(?). We have a 21 month son (an interim adoption) that I keep packing up his clothes to give away - my Mom has talked me into keeping them, just in case! Congratulations on your referral - boys are so much fun!
Congratulations! A friend sent me over, we had the same experience, (though had decorated in a neutral color scheme) in November 2006. Our son is the light and joy of our lives.
He is adorable!! I to adopted a boy from China 2 years ago. He was special needs (cleft lip and palate) so I knew that I was having a boy. He is wonderful and he will be a hit at all the Chinese outings since there are mostly girls. So I tell eveyrone I will have to buy Mattie a Tux because he will have LOTS of prom dates. Have fun shopping!!!!!!
How exciting. Our Darci is from Fengcheng SWI. We just got back from China on June 14. She was adopted on June 14. She was in fostercare and only spent the very first night after being found in the orphanage, the rest of her life she spent with her foster family. Congratulations, please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have about the orphanage or the town of Nanchang. my3gals@sbcglobal.net
Goodness!! What a cutie. So happy for you!
Congratulations on your beautiful boy! We too have a 3/22/06 LID and have been referred a girl from the SAME orphanage! E-mail me, as I'm sure we'll be in the same room receiving our babies at the same time! I followed your link from RQ.
I just left you a comment, and when looking at your Website again, I see that you live in Wisconsin. We live in Wisconsin too!!
Congratulations, he is so adorable!
Congratulations! We also started out in 2005 expecting a girl from China, and ended up with a boy...we chose a waiting child, but I had a pink crib blanket, dresses and pink clothes! We can not be happier with our SON. Your son is adorable and I am sure that you will have fun shopping for him.
Your son is adorable!!!! We started out waiting for a little girl and are now waiting for LOA on our little boy! We also have a pink room with a closet filled with girly girl clothes! I say bring on the paint!!! Look forward to following your journey!
I am lid 3/17 and we were referred twin boys!! I didn't post on RQ as I have been too busy with work --but we too were anticipating a girl!! Fortunately, we didn't purchase ANYTHING because we were too afraid of what might happen. Warm wishes to you and your family for much happiness with our son!!
sorry. I meant to say warm wishes for much happiness with Your son
He was meant for your family... congratulations... a handsome boy he is...
He is soooo adorable. Huge Congrats on your son. I understand...I really do..I have a box full of things with the name Malia on them but our son Coby didn't want them : )
Congratulations! We had the samething happen to us and we could not be happier!!
Congratulations from Spain!!
Your son is adorable!! He's absolutely beautiful with his big eyes!!
Nina, proud mum of a Guangxi's girl
Congrats- he is adorable!
I am a FengCheng mom, too.
My daughter, Madalyn Jing-E, was born 7-26-07 and our Gothca day was 5-21-08. Like the other FengCheng moms that commented, it is a great SWI, with a super Foster mom program. I hope you have a great trip, with a speedy TA, and cannot wait to follow your journey.
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