Friday, December 11, 2009

December 9th, 2009

Dec 9th, 2009
We left CWA airport at 6:10 am and got to Chicago at 7:15am ...We had a 4 hour lay over so we got something eat and then sat around. Left Chicago at 12:10 p.m and headed on the longest plane ride ever...13 hours...heading towards Tokyo Japan...what was confusing to me was Japan time is 13 hours ahead of Wisconsin time....and I am not kidding while on the phane it was day time,,,night time,,,,day time....all during 13 I didn't know what day it was or what time it was in Wisconsin or Japan let alone China....So we got to Japan at 4:30pm Thursday evening ( Wisconsin time) Wednesday morning some time....hahahah we had a 2 hour lay over and then we were back on the plane for a 3 hours fight to Bejing China.....
During the fight info...While in Japan I was a little nervous cus I only speak English but there was enough people that spoke somewhat good english to get me where I was going......The signs are in three languages for the bathroom, Smoking area, Food service and for the airport info so it was not hard finding our way people there was so nice...the two hour layover was just talking to people where are you going and what for was fun....I did get to sleep on the airplane but I was fustrated Cus everytime I was just getting to sleep Donald wanted something out of his bag or wanted to say I kept waking up......

ok during the flight from Chicago to Japan I thought my legs were going to cramp and never move again.....We flew in the huge plane that had 374 passengers....there were 4 seats in a row in our section and of couse I was stuck in the middle.....the only relief that I had was on the tv screen in frount of me told me how much longer the flight was.....But the cool thing was all the announcements were in English and Japanese....During the 13 hour flight we had two meals a snack and the dinners we had our choice of two meals....One dish was american and the other was asian the food was not that bad....I took the american food cus I knew that I would be eating chinese food for the next 14 days.....Then on the plane ride from Japan to China we had another meal asian food which was not that good.....

Ok we got to beijing at 10:20 there time on Thursday evening..which was Thursday morning at 8:20 am friday morning for you....

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