Sorry I have not updated the site lately. But here we are on referrals. Plus I updated the referrals chart. to see the chart in a larger size double click on the chart. Referrals as of July 6th. CCAA ( china affairs) has given out referrals for people who are logged in on or before Jan 27th, 2006. We are logged in March 22, 2006. So we are a little under two months of log in dates before we get our referral. Some people say that after the Olympics is over the program will speed up. I hope so. It has been taking 6 months to get through one month of referrals. SO if it stays at this rate we have about 11 more months to go. If it speeds up we can have as little as 4 months.
What does referrals mean?
Referrals are given out once a month from China (CCAA china affairs) When your paperwork is sent over to China they go through your paperwork and log in into a computer and check for updates if needed. Once you are logged in CCAA gives you a log in date ours is March 22, 2006. Everyone that has a log in date before us gets a referral before us. Once you are logged in CCAA then sends your paperwork over to a different room where they go into detail into your paperwork, they sometimes ask for more information or deny couples for certain reasons. This is called an audit. Once you have been audited they send your paperwork to the matching room to sit til it is your turn to get a referral. We got notified Feb 3, 2007 that we were audited and everything was approved. Now we sit til it is our turn for a referral.
Once it is our turn for a referral we will receive a package that includes pictures of our child with information on background, size, approx date of birth, medical evaluations ect. We have approx 24 hours after receiving a referral to accept the child or not. If not then we go back into the waiting pool for approx. 3 months. If you have any questions about why it is taking so long please read updates on main page in posts " why is it taking so long to get Makayla" or "Referrals and what they mean"
Past referrals:

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