Wednesday, November 7, 2007
November Referrals are in
What does referrals mean?
Referrals are given out once a month from China (CCAA china affairs) When your paperwork is sent over to China they go through your paperwork and log in into a computer and check for updates if needed. Once you are logged in CCAA gives you a log in date ours is March 22, 2006. Everyone that has a log in date before us gets a referral before us. Once you are logged in CCAA then sends your paperwork over to a different room where they go into detail into your paperwork, they sometimes ask for more information or deny couples for certain reasons. This is called an audit. Once you have been audited they send your paperwork to the matching room to sit til it is your turn to get a referral. We got notified Feb 3, 2007 that we were audited and everything was approved. Now we sit til it is our turn for a referral.
Once it is our turn for a referral we will recieve a package that includes pictures of our child with information on background, size, appox date of birth, medical evaulations ect. We have appox 24 hours after recieving a referral to accept the child or not. If not then we go back into the waiting pool for appox. 3 months. If you have any questions about why it is taking so long please read updates on main page in posts " why is it taking so long to get Makayla" or "Referrals and what they mean"
Friday, October 12, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
1000 + visitors
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The new pole results
Monday, September 24, 2007
lady bugs
Saturday, September 22, 2007
New pole
Pole results:
Started: July 16th 2006 Ended: Sept 22, 2007
Total number of Votes: 20
Who do you think will spoil Makayla more
Donald ( daddy)................. 3 votes........15%
Dorrine ( mommy) ............7 votes.........35%
Karey and Les....................3 votes.........15%
(Donalds mom and dad)
Gil and Sue.........................2 votes.........10%
(Dorrines mom and dad)
Nancy.................................2 votes.........10%
Gail......................................0 votes........0%
Scott and Steph.................0 votes........0%
Other..................................3 votes........15%
Grandma and Grandpa Smetak
Nana and Papa Keene
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
New Referral Predictions
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Sept referrals are in
Referrals are in. CCAA (china affairs) gave out referrals through Feb 9th, 2006. A great 11 days worth. We are logged in March 22, 2006, so I am happy we are getting much closer to our date. To see the chart closer just double clink on it. We only have 41 days of log in dates before ours. WWWWOOOOOOWWWWOOOO!!!!!!!!
What does referrals mean?
Referrals are given out once a month from China (CCAA china affairs) When your paperwork is sent over to China they go through your paperwork and log in into a computer and check for updates if needed. Once you are logged in CCAA gives you a log in date ours is March 22, 2006. Everyone that has a log in date before us gets a referral before us. Once you are logged in CCAA then sends your paperwork over to a different room where they go into detail into your paperwork, they sometimes ask for more information or deny couples for certain reasons. This is called an audit. Once you have been audited they send your paperwork to the matching room to sit til it is your turn to get a referral. We got notified Feb 3, 2007 that we were audited and everything was approved. Now we sit til it is our turn for a referral.
Once it is our turn for a referral we will receive a package that includes pictures of our child with information on background, size, approx date of birth, medical evaluations ect. We have approx 24 hours after receiving a referral to accept the child or not. If not then we go back into the waiting pool for approx. 3 months. If you have any questions about why it is taking so long please read updates on main page in posts " why is it taking so long to get Makayla" or "Referrals and what they mean"
Here is new predictions on upcoming referrals.
Double click on Referral chart to read. First let me start by explaining what referrals mean. When you paper work is finished with all documents needed to request a child from China they are put together in a file and mailed out to China. China then looks through them and log you in and you receive a date. Ours is March 22, 2006. Then everyone with a date before you gets a referral before you do. What I mean by referral is a Picture of a child and background ( if any) and medical papers . You then have to decide if you want the child or not. Currently as of today's date Sept 23 ,2007 CCAA China affairs has given out children whose has a log in date before November 25th ,2005. Yes almost two years ago. If you still have any questions about how this is done please read in posts on the right hand side of the site " Why is it taking so long to get Makayla" and please read "referrals and what they mean".
I really don't know how far the CCAA China affairs are going to get each month, these are only based on my predictions. Now that Nov 2005 is almost done it should speed up. How I can explain this is by a certain web site that has a pole that everyone that is waiting for a referral from China can vote for their log in date this, this is done by the day. There is a drop in votes after Nov 2005 .
Nov 2005 having450 votes
Dec 2005 having 256 votes
Jan 2006 having 232 votes
Feb 2006 having 195 votes
March 2006 having 365 votes
April 2006 having 219 votes
In the previous months I have been counting by days how many votes they do and surprising they are pretty close to each other,. For example
In May 2006 they referred From Oct 27th through Nov 1st the total number of votes: 141
In June 2006 they referred from Nov 2nd through Nov 6th , the total number of votes: 148
In July 2006 they referred from Nov 7th through Nov 13th , the total number of votes: 159
In Aug 2006 they referred from Nov 14th through Nov. 21st, the total number of votes: 139
In Sept. 2006 they referred from Nov 22 through Nov 25th , the total number of votes: 134
on average over the last 5 months it is 144 votes per month. If this trend continues than this is the way that the referrals will fall.
Oct 2007 referrals will get through Dec 6th , 2005
Nov 2007 referrals will get through Dec 15th , 2005
Dec 2007 referrals will get through Dec 28th , 2005
Jan 2008 referrals will get through Jan 12th , 2006
Feb 2008 referrals will get through Jan 29th , 2006
March 2008 referrals will get through Feb 13th, 2006
April 2008 referrals will get through March 1, 2006
May 2008 referrals will get through March 11, 2006
June 2008 referrals will get through March 22, 2006
AS you notice by using these numbers they fall in line with my chart on referral predictions in the good case scenario within a day or two. We will have to wait for a couple of months of referrals to see if this trend seems to work.
Plus as many can see , I love to work with numbers. Dorrine
Friday, September 7, 2007
Sept. referrals are in
As you can tell from previous months my predictions are even worse than I expected since June 2006 when I made the predictions. So this month I am going to do another prediction chart. This chart will include what Good case scenario Mid case scenario and of course worse case scenario. Back on 2004 and part of 2005 CCAA china affairs would give out a month of referrals every month and in the last four months they have only done a total of 25 days total.
Good case scenario
June log in dates through Nov 16th 2005
Referrals for June only got to nov 07, 2005
July log in dates through Dec 3 th 2005
Referrals for June only got to Nov 14th, 2005
Aug log in dates through Dec 25th 2006
Referrals for Aug only got to Nov 21th , 2005
Sept log in dates through Jan 4th 2007
Referrals for Sept only got to Nov 25th, 2005
October log in dates through Jan 23rd 2006
Nov log in dates through Feb 24th 2006
Dec log in dates through March 10th 2006
Jan 2008log in dates through March 25th , 2006
We travel late Feb early April 2007
Bad case scenario
June log in dates through Nov 10th 2005
Worse than expected June referrals only got to Nov 7, 2005
July log in dates through Nov 23rd 2005
Worse than expected June referrals only got to Nov 14th , 2005
Aug log in dates through Dec 3 rd 2005
Worse than expected Aug referrals only got to Nov, 21st, 2005
Sept log in dates through Dec 21st 2006
Worse than expected Sept only got to Nov 25th, 2005
Oct log in dates through Jan 5th 2006
Nov log in dates through Jan 21th 2006
Dec log in dates through Feb 5th 2006
Jan 2008 log in dates through Feb 28th 2006
Feb 2008 log in dates through March 12th 2006
March 2008 long in dates through March 23rd 2006
We travel 5 weeks later
Saturday, August 25, 2007
adoption company picnic
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Aug referrals are in
Friday, August 3, 2007
predictions on referrals
This is where we are at now. ccaa( China affairs) has given out referrals through Nov 1st 2005. We are logged in on March 22, 2006. That means that there are almost 5 months of referrals ahead of us before we get a picture and information about our little girl. Usually referrals comes out from the 1st through the 10th of each month. I heard that the month of November is a heavy month for referral log ins. Then DEC and Jan is medium and then Feb is very light. March is light during the beginning of the month then gets heavy towards the end of the month.
Good case scenario
June log in dates through Nov 16th 2005
Referrals for June only got to nov 07, 2005
July log in dates through Dec 3 th 2005
Referrals for June only got to Nov 14th, 2005
Aug log in dates through Dec 25th 2006
Referrals for Aug only got to Nov 14th , 2005
Sept log in dates through Jan 4th 2007
October log in dates through Jan 23rd 2006
Nov log in dates through Feb 24th 2006
Dec log in dates through March 10th 2006
Jan 2008log in dates through March 25th , 2006
We travel late Feb early April 2007
Bad case scenario
June log in dates through Nov 10th 2005
Worse than expected June referrals only got to Nov 7, 2005
July log in dates through Nov 23rd 2005
Worse than expected June referrals only got to Nov 14th , 2005
Aug log in dates through Dec 3 rd 2005
Worse than expected Aug referrals only got to Nov, 21st, 2005
Sept log in dates through Dec 21st 2006
Oct log in dates through Jan 5th 2006
Nov log in dates through Jan 21th 2006
Dec log in dates through Feb 5th 2006
Jan 2008 log in dates through Feb 28th 2006
Feb 2008 log in dates through March 12th 2006
March 2008 long in dates through March 23rd 2006
We travel 5 weeks later
Thursday, July 26, 2007
China rumors
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Rumors are already starting
Oh course we hear rumors every month, so don't hold your breathe.
Monday, July 16, 2007
pole results
Pole ended: July 11th, 2008
total # of votes 16
Which parent do you think will be more strict?
Donald 7 votes
Dorrine 0 votes
Both will let Makayla run wild 3 votes
Makayla will call the shots 6 votes
Pole results:
Started: July 16th 2006 Ended: Sept 22, 2007
Total number of Votes: 20
Who do you think will spoil Makayla more
Donald ( daddy)................. 3 votes........15%
Dorrine ( mommy) ............7 votes.........35%
Karey and Les....................3 votes.........15%
(Donalds mom and dad)
Gil and Sue.........................2 votes.........10%
(Dorrines mom and dad)
Nancy.................................2 votes.........10%
Gail......................................0 votes........0%
Scott and Steph.................0 votes........0%
Other..................................3 votes........15%
Pole Results:
Started: May 23rd, 2007 Ended: July 16th , 2007
Total Number of Votes: 18
What do you think we should have as Makaylas middle name?
Name........... Number of votes ...Percent
Susan....... .....................2........11%
Janet............................. 2 .......11%
Jean ..............................0 ........0%
Her chinese Name .....12....... 67%
Daphine........................ 2 .......11%
Other............................ 0....... 0%
Don and I talked about having her middle name be her chinese name. We just have to get a referral to find out what it is!!!!!!!
Pole Results:
Started: April 23rd, 2007 Ended: May 23rd, 2007
Total Number of Votes: 11
Do you think we should quit buying for Makayla?
..............................................Number of votes...... Percent
Yes.......................................................... 4......... 36%
no ............................................................4......... 36%
Why not if it helps pass the time........ 3 .........27%
Pole Results:
Started: March 23rd, 2007 Ended: April 23rd , 2007
Total Number of Votes: 17
When do you think we will get Makayla?
Month........ Number of votes .....Percent
June..................... 0........................ 0%
July...................... 0........................ 0%
Aug....................... 3 .......................18%
Sept. .....................0....................... 0%
Oct........................ 0 .......................0%
Nov. ......................3 .......................18%
Dec. .......................4 .......................24%
Jan 2008 ..............3........................18%
Feb 2008 .............4 ........................24%
March 2008..........0....................... 0%
Friday, July 6, 2007
New pole Idea
July Referrals are in
This is my prediction on how referrals are going to go in the future. We will have to see in the near future how accurate it is.
This is where we are at now. ccaa( China affairs) has given out referrals through Nov 14 th 2005. We are logged in on March 22, 2006. That means that there are almost 4 months of referrals ahead of us before we get a picture and information about our little girl. Usually referrals comes out from the 1st through the 10th of each month. I heard that the month of November is a heavy month for referral log ins. Then DEC and Jan is medium and then Feb is very light. March is light during the beginning of the month then gets heavy towards the end of the month.
A little reminder for those that are new if you are wondering what referrals mean please read the information on the right side of the page in posts and read sections " WHy is it taking so long to get Makayla" and "Referrals"
Good case scenario
June log in dates through Nov 16th 2005
Referrals for June only got to nov 07, 2005
July log in dates through Dec 3 th 2005
Referrals for July only got to Nov 14th, 2005
Aug log in dates through Dec 25th 2006
Sept log in dates through Jan 4th 2007
October log in dates through Jan 23rd 2006
Nov log in dates through Feb 24th 2006
Dec log in dates through March 10th 2006
Jan 2007 log in dates through March 25th , 2006
We travel late Feb early March 2007
Bad case scenario
June log in dates through Nov 10th 2005
Worse than expected June referrals only got to Nov 7, 2005
July log in dates through Nov 23rd 2005
Worse than expected June referrals only got to Nov 14th, 2005
Aug log in dates through Dec 3 rd 2005
Sept log in dates through Dec 21st 2006
Oct log in dates through Jan 5th 2006
Nov log in dates through Jan 21th 2006
Dec log in dates through Feb 5th 2006
Jan 2007 log in dates through Feb 28th 2006
Feb 2007 log in dates through March 12th 2006
March 2007 long in dates through March 23rd 2006
We travel 5 weeks later
Rumor has it that for the remainder for 2007 CCAA ( China affairs ) is only giving out referrals for a week per month. Then starting in January 2008 CCAA will go back to referrals for two weeks per month. We will have to wait and see if this rumor is true.
The web site for CCAA ( china affairs) has been updated here is the updated information:
Friday, June 15, 2007
This weekend / This week
I try to keep a positive spirit when I write on the Internet to share with everyone. However this mothers day was really hard for me this year. I keep seeing these little girl pictures from China with there new moms from my online china adoption groups and other adoption websites . Don says to quite looking at them but they are so addicting. When we started the adoption process it was only suppose to be a 7 month wait til we got a referral and here we sit waiting 14 months later and still no Makayla.......................Ok enough mushy stuff for today.
On a good note. Dons parents are moving back to Wisconsin I believe sometime in July , they will be living with us for a short period til they find a place of their own and get jobs in the area. With Don's dad having heart surgery in March of this year I believe ( but don't hold me to it) they are getting home sick and would like to live closer to the family. When they moved away Seth (dons brother Scott's son) was only a year old and now he is almost six and starting school
this year. Its hard to keep up with kids growing up when you live 14 hours away.
I can only speak for Don and I , but I think everyone in the family can agree to is that we open our home and hearts to you both you Karey and Les. Come home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This week in Wisconsin has been miserable weather wise. For Wisconsin in June the temps should be in the 40's in the morning and 70's in the afternoons. This week we have had 60's morning and upper 80's and today 92 degrees. That is just crazy. Don even put in the air conditioners in today. I had the heat on just a month and half ago.
I went to the doctor on Monday for a check up on my diabetes. They upped my dosage on one of my meds . Over all the doctor was happier with my test results. A month ago they started me on Lantis a insulin shot that I only have to give once a day. I have been doing quite we'll giving my self a shot everyday. I thought it would be hard since I don't like the site of needles but the overall affect that it has made makes it worth it.. Since I have been on the shot my sugars went down from 250-300 to around 100-120. It has made a big difference is several ways. I have been sleeping better and over all feeling really good.
Well I have to get off of here and get stuff done before we leave for our big anniversary weekend.
Monday, June 11, 2007
What do you think
Referrals are in for June
| |||||
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Our first ultrasound from China
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
This months referrals are here
What does referrals mean?
Referrals are given out once a month from China (CCAA china affairs) When your paperwork is sent over to China they go through your paperwork and log in into a computer and check for updates if needed. Once you are logged in CCAA gives you a log in date ours is March 22, 2006. Everyone that has a log in date before us gets a referral before us. Once you are logged in CCAA then sends your paperwork over to a different room where they go into detail into your paperwork, they sometimes ask for more information or deny couples for certain reasons. This is called an audit. Once you have been audited they send your paperwork to the matching room to sit til it is your turn to get a referral. We got notified Feb 3, 2007 that we were audited and everything was approved. Now we sit til it is our turn for a referral.Once it is our turn for a referral we will recieve a package that includes pictures of our child with information on background, size, appox date of birth, medical evaulations ect. We have appox 24 hours after recieving a referral to accept the child or not. If not then we go back into the waiting pool for appox. 3 months. If you have any questions about why it is taking so long please read updates on main page in posts " why is it taking so long to get Makayla"
Referral history as of 7/6/08
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Sept referrals are in
Referrals are in. CCAA (china affairs) gave out referrals through Feb 9th, 2006. A great 11 days worth. We are logged in March 22, 2006, so I am happy we are getting much closer to our date. To see the chart closer just double clink on it. We only have 41 days of log in dates before ours. WWWWOOOOOOWWWWOOOO!!!!!!!!
Sept referrals are in and I am very disappointed at how far they got. The CCAA china affairs only referred child whose log in date was from Nov 22nd 2005 to Nov 25th, 2005. That is only 4 days of referrals. At this rate it will be two more years till we get our referral. If you have any questions about referrals or why is it taking so long to get Makayla please read in posts : Why is it taking so long to get Makayla " Or " Referrals" .
As you can tell from previous months my predictions are even worse than I expected since June 2006 when I made the predictions. So this month I am going to do another prediction chart. This chart will include what Good case scenario Mid case scenario and of course worse case scenario. Back on 2004 and part of 2005 CCAA china affairs would give out a month of referrals every month and in the last four months they have only done a total of 25 days total.
Good case scenario
June log in dates through Nov 16th 2005
Referrals for June only got to nov 07, 2005
July log in dates through Dec 3 th 2005
Referrals for June only got to Nov 14th, 2005
Aug log in dates through Dec 25th 2006
Referrals for Aug only got to Nov 21th , 2005
Sept log in dates through Jan 4th 2007
Referrals for Sept only got to Nov 25th, 2005
October log in dates through Jan 23rd 2006
Nov log in dates through Feb 24th 2006
Dec log in dates through March 10th 2006
Jan 2008log in dates through March 25th , 2006
We travel late Feb early April 2007
Bad case scenario
June log in dates through Nov 10th 2005
Worse than expected June referrals only got to Nov 7, 2005
July log in dates through Nov 23rd 2005
Worse than expected June referrals only got to Nov 14th , 2005
Aug log in dates through Dec 3 rd 2005
Worse than expected Aug referrals only got to Nov, 21st, 2005
Sept log in dates through Dec 21st 2006
Worse than expected Sept only got to Nov 25th, 2005
Oct log in dates through Jan 5th 2006
Nov log in dates through Jan 21th 2006
Dec log in dates through Feb 5th 2006
Jan 2008 log in dates through Feb 28th 2006
Feb 2008 log in dates through March 12th 2006
March 2008 long in dates through March 23rd 2006
We travel 5 weeks later
Aug referrals are in
Aug referrals are in and the CCAA ( china affairs) have given out children for those that were logged in from Nov. 15th 2005 to Nov 21st. 2005. As most of you know we were logged in the China on March 22, 2006. THis batch of referrals brings us a little closer to our date. Another batch with 7 days of referrals.
Friday, July 6, 2007
July Referrals are in
July referrals are mailed out and China Affairs CCAA gave out referrals through Nov 14th, 2005. Only 7 days of referrals again.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Referrals are in for June
THis is another sad month for referrals . CCAA china affairs only gave referrals for 6 days. Good news is that we are 6 days closier to our referral. If you are wondering what a referral means or what the information is for please read in our posts " referrals" Located in the right hand side of the site. For more information please read "Why is it taking so long to get Makayla" .
| |||||
May referrals are in
Referrals for May are in and finally they are into november.
It looks like they did 5 days of referrals this month. Lots better than 2 days of referrals ladt month. Still the program is slow.
starting March 5th people started getting referrals. Here is the information that I received.
So this month they only gave referrals out to 11 days. Probley because to the Chinese New YEar. SO I hope that next month will be a big referral days.
On Feb 1st people started recieving there referrals for this month. Of course this does not affect us, except for the fact that now we are closer for us to get our referral. Referrals were given out for 16 days of log in dates From Sept 29th to Oct 13th 2005. Just to remind everyone our log in date is March 22, 2006. If you have any questions about how referrals are given out please read our link named "Why is it taking so long to get Makayla". Plus we also got information that our documents were reviewed and that we out of the review room. In the review room they go over or documents and if there is something missing they will ask for more information. They can also Deny us for any reason. We however we not asked for more information and that we are 100% for sure that we are now getting a child, not that we thought we would not pass the qualifications.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Why is it taking so long to get Makayla
We have been told there are several reasons for the longer wait. This is not all from our adoption agency but several different online groups and adoption related information web sites. One reason is they did an investigation into the China adoptions for black market babies. People selling babies to orphanages for money. The investigation was found to be false and that it delayed the referral of babies during the investigation. However I don't know how reliable this rumor is. Then we heard that in 2005 there were twice as many people applied for a child then in 2004 and there were not enough paper ready children available to keep up with the demand. I can say that this rumor has been said several times so I can not help but believe it. Then there was a rumor that China was in the process of implementing new rules for adopting children and that this also a reason for delayed referrals. China did release in Dec 2006 new rules for adopting children, but because our paperwork was already in China before the rule change that Don and I are grandfathered into the old rules. So the rumor about the referrals being delayed because of the new rules may or may not be true.
Once you are logged into China you get a date which ours is March 22, 2006. Everyone gets a log in date and referrals come to first come first serve basics. So everyone that has a log in date before us will receive a referral before us. When I speak of a referral I am talking about a child that China picks out for us. The referral contains pictures and background information if any on a child along with updates on weight, size, age and medical background if any.
In 2003 and 2004 referrals came once a month and there was enough referrals to get though a month of log in dates. starting in late 2005 referrals still came once a month but they were only giving out referrals for approx. 2 weeks of log in dates at a time. So they were taking two months of referrals to get through one month of log in dates. Currently as of 7/06/07 they have given out referrals through Nov 14th 2005. We were logged into China on March 22, 2006. So we still have 4 months of referrals before we get ours. If they stay at the same pace as they were in 2006, we are still looking at 9 more months before we get a referral. However there is rumors out there that are saying that the amount of people logged in to China starts to decline in late November 2005 through Feb 2006, so they might speed up and get more than two weeks of Referrals in each month. Only time will tell. If China goes back to giving referrals out for a whole month we are only looking at only 5 more months to a referral. If you have any questions about this please post a message. If you would a update on where China is on referrals please read the post Referrals on the main website page. Plus there is also a post for my predictions on referrals.
Friday, May 11, 2007
May referrals are in
It looks like they did 5 days of referrals this month. Lots better than 2 days of referrals ladt month. Still the program is slow.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
April Referrals
So looking at my predictions on referrals:
Good case scenario
April Log in dates through Nov 13 th , 2005
Bad case scenario
April log in dates through Nov 7 th , 2005.
I hope that the next batch will be bigger.
To refresh any one on Referrals and What they mean please refer to the post section in the link Called " Why is it taking so long to get Makayla" It will explain what this information means. Thanks
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Update on Les
Monday, April 2, 2007
Update on Les ( third Day after Surgery)
Monday April 3rd. Les called early in the morning and told Karey that he was informed that he could leave the hospital. So we drove to pick him up , and to me he was smiling but his color was pail. We walked him down to the waiting area and Don and Scott went to get the trucks while Karey and I and Les waited for them. I had just taken a picture of him sitting in the chair while Karey was watching for the boys and I put the camera in my bag and looked up at Les and was passed out. I shook him and he came to , and I asked if he was ok and he said yes . I started to get Karey when Les passed out again, Karey noticed that something was wrong and she ran over and and his eyes was rolled back. I ran to get help while Karey tried to get Les to respond. When I came back about 30 sec. later Les had his head up and was telling Karey that he was fine he just wanted to go home. About 2 mins later the waiting area was filled with hospital personal to help. They took this blood pressure and it was 80. No bottom number. So they put Les on a cart and took him into the emergency dept. Once in the emergency Dept they determined that he was given to much blood pressure medicine, but wanted to stay the night so they could monitor him more and run more tests to make sure that everything was ok. When Les was entered into Emergency dept. they give everyone a fake name to go by in case of ( Rape , murder or shootings) So Les's new hospital name was " Cambodia Stat". We were told that if all the tests came back good that he could get out of the hospital on Tuesday (tomorrow ) . The Pictue is of Les right before he passed out.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Update on Les ( Second day after surgery)
Today Les was up and walking around more and his draining tube was taken out and his pain was not as much. His bandage was taken off of his chest where they cut to work on his heart. Sorry about the pictures being sideways, I tried all kinds of things to get them upright but nothing worked, I will have to make a mental note to myself to only take pictures upright on the camera.
As you can tell Les was in very good spirits and feeling much better.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Les Smetak
As almost everyone knows Donalds dad Les Smetak had emergency bypass surgery on four arteries of his heart on Friday March 30th, 2006. Don and I , Scott ( Dons Brother), and Harley ( Dons Cousin) drove down on Friday March 30th to be with Karey and Les. Les had blockage of 99%, 95%, 90 % and 60%. His surgery went really well and we are able to see early Saturday morning.
picture of Les walking Marchl 31st, 2006 day after surgery.
Picture of Les and Karey ( Dons Mom ) Saturday March 31st, 2006 Day after Surgery
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Referrals are a coming
Good case scenario
April Log in dates through Nov 13 2005
Bad case scenario
April log in dates through Nov 7th , 2005.
On one web site they are saying Nov 3rd and another is saying Nov 14th. So I guess we will find out Next week or for sure the week after.
Again our log in date is March 22, 2006.
Lady bug
If you are wondering what the story behind Lady bugs then please read our link "Lady Bugs" on the main page in POSTS.
On Monday I went out to eat with Mom, Nancy and Gail's kids and on the way there we were talking about Makayla and what did I see crawling on the window, you guessed a lady bug. It is the first time since New Years Eve. I can't help but think that It is a sign of some sort. Could yesterday be the day she was born? If so it would fit into the time frame of a referral in Dec-Feb. I think It will quite neat to get a referral , and her birth date was the day that I saw the lady bug.................
Any thoughts on this please leave me a message on the link below.
Photobucket" border="0">
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Lexie Our dog
On friday March 23rd, Lexie turned 3 months old. We have been working with her on potty training but she still makes messes in the house, however getting better. She is getting so big so quickly. In the 6 weeks that we have had her she has gained 14 pounds. She now weighs 22 pounds, and getting bigger.
Don and I have been working with her on playing fetch and sitting and is learning very quickly. Last night bob our cat got her in the top eye lid with his claw. Lexie needs lots of work on that cats are not play toys. Her poor nose already has scars from the cats and she still thinks that they are play toys. So now we have to keep the Angel and bobs claws clipped so they don't hurt her anymore. I thought Lexie would of learned by now, but she has not.
As you can see in the pictures the first picture is what size she was 6 weeks ago when we got her and the 2nd , 3rd and 4th picture is what size she is at 12 weeks old...................
Lexie our dog
Lexie Our dog March 23, 2007
On friday March 23rd, Lexie turned 3 months old. We have been working with her on potty training but she still makes messes in the house, however getting better. She is getting so big so quickly. In the 6 weeks that we have had her she has gained 14 pounds. She now weighs 22 pounds, and getting bigger.
Don and I have been working with her on playing fetch and sitting and is learning very quickly. Last night bob our cat got her in the top eye lid with his claw. Lexie needs lots of work on that cats are not play toys. Her poor nose already has scars from the cats and she still thinks that they are play toys. So now we have to keep the Angel and bobs claws clipped so they don't hurt her anymore. I thought Lexie would of learned by now, but she has not.
As you can see in the pictures the first picture is what size she was 6 weeks ago when we got her and the 2nd , 3rd and 4th picture is what size she is at 12 weeks old...................
Our dog Lexie at 7 weeks old Feb 16th, 2007
Lexie is doing very well, It is apparent that we have not had a puppy around us in a very long time. She runs around constantly and has so much energy ( more than I have). Pictured is my brothers dog Caramel, and as you can see Lexie kicked Caramel our of her bed and made it her own. So now this weekend I am going to make Lexie a bed like Caramels but much much bigger due to she is not even close to her full size. I am going to try to make it look just like the one pictured, we will see how it turns out. While Lexie was playing with Caramel, she would beat her up. I think Lexie must of been the bully in her litter of pups. We then took Lexie over to my moms where there is a dog named Jake, Jake is a beshon (Think that is spelled right) He is Twice the size of Lexie. All Jake wanted to do was hump on Lexie. Laughing!!!!! That didn't seem to bother Lexie, she thought he was playing with her. Don and I have to be careful when Lexie gets older and goes into heat around Jake. Can you see Lab and Beshon Pups??????? I am surprised that no one asked when I was going to make a costume for Lexie
. It is actually in the works. There is a pet clothing modeling show coming up in March at Petco in which I plan to take Lexie to and have her be a model with her new outfit. Any suggestions on what to make her?????
Saturday, February 10, 2007
We got a dog today
Today we brought a dog home. We named her Lexie. On the way home from getting Lexie we stopped by Petco and got her food , collar and toys of course. However after only having her for a couple of hours we took her to the vet to get checked out cause she was wheezing and not moving around like a puppy should. They gave her antibiotics and pills for worm medicine just in case she night have worms. Plus she was on a IV because she was dehydrated. After the medicine she was pretty tired and slept for a couple of hours within 3 hours she was playing around, eating and drinking on her own. The picture with the blue blanket is what she looked like before the vet visit and then two pictures while we were at the vets, and one picture of how she was playing with her new toy.... a really big difference.....