Sorry I have not posted anything for a while. It has been crazy here. Paperwork...Shopping...Vacation...Shopping....flu.....shopping....
I am almost done packing up Andrews room with help from Donald. I never realized how much girl stuff I bought. Boxes and boxes of stuff all new. There was clothes that I bought a long time ago that was hiding under the crib I forgot about. I put them under the crib in hopes that Don would not see that my spending freeze was in his mind not mine....lol
During the wait and thinking we were getting a girl, I made this scrapbook for each day that we were going to be in China. It has Makayla stickers all over it and the pages are pink and girl designs. I spent a lot of time making this book and money. So if anyone is adopting from China and is naming there child Makayla please email me and I would like to mail it to you.. please email me at Cats2dor1@yahoo.com. I don't want any money for it, I just want it to be used and enjoyed instead of throwing it out or sitting around and never used.
Our baby shower is on Sunday. I can not wait!!!!!!
When we got our referral we went right away and made copies of the pictures of Andrew that were given to us. Since then I have made more copies a couple of times. I want to send out his picture with our adoption notices (Which by the way is pink and says girl on them). I am just going to mark out girl and write in boy.....I have looked at the announcements every where and I just don't like them...Plus I think it would be cute to send out the pink ones. I was going to mail them out to friends and family as soon as I find out when we are leaving.
I could not tell you how many people has said to me "I TOLD YOU NOT TO BUY ANYTHING" "I TOLD YOU IT WAS GOING TO BE A BOY"
Yet those same people also bought me girl things over the 3 plus years of wait. hmmmmm
Someone asked me how I felt about our baby being a boy after so long thinking is was a girl, if I was sad about it. My answer was yes I was sad and yet very happy. There was no doubt in my mind when I saw his beautiful face for the first time that he was our son. There was an instant love that I felt for him ( as crazy as that sounds). I show his picture off to anyone that will look and even to some that don't care but still looks. I have his picture in my car, at work, in my wallet, my cell phone, everywhere.
This weekend after the shower Don and I are going shopping for the things that we need to take to China for Andrew. So much to do and yet so little time..........If there is anything you think we must bring please post it...Every little bit of info is very helpful.
We now have picked out his name: ANDREW YANG SMETAK
WE really wanted part of his Chinese name to stay with him.