Ok, I wanted to share with you all, updates on Makayla's room. I have bought but not installed her knobs for her dresser. They are blocks with letters on them, and they are the same colors as her room in decorated in. I also have matching light switches and hangers for her coats, which I still have not put up. This is the reason why Don has put me on a spending hold. LOL
I know she needs a toy box, but where I will put it is unknown at this point. below is pictures of makalya's room when I first posted on January 7, 2007.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Makayla's Bedroom
This was Makayla's room over a 1-1/2 years ago.

ok, I pretty much have all of Makayla's room done. With the Christmas gift certificates from Dons parents for Christmas we were able to get material to make her curtains and bedding. I surprised myself on my sewing ability. Usually I start a project and never finish but I had a goal to get her room done so I could post it for all to see. I still would like to get a toy box, new drawer handles for her dresser, a table with two chairs and I still have to make a supply caddie for her crib. As I see it I think we still have at least six months of waiting so I still have time. Let me know on what you think of the room so far. Plus our cat angel wanted to be in the pictures, she loves to get her picture taken.. Since Don and I bought the crib we were a little worried that our two cats would not leave it along. However bob and Angel only got yelled at a couple of times when we first got the crib and they have not been in it since. The only time the cats go in the room is to sit by the heater vent or to look out the window, I think we got lucky and was blessed with really good cats. In Makayla's room, the curtains were made from Pink material with green poka dots, green material with pink poka dots, and blue material with green poka dots. The signs in her room says DIVA, GIGGLE, SMILE , DIVA IN TRAINING, Queen of everything, Princess, DREAM and oh course Don's favorite NO BOYS ALLOWED., all the signs have pink, purple, blue and green poka dots. I bought the signs first and then picked out the material. The rugs are pink and purple and one is all four colors, pink, purple, blue, and green. I am hoping to buy plain wooden round drawer pulls and paint them green with pink poka dots, but I still have time for that. Please sign our guest book and let us know what you think of makayla's Room. Dorrine